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Chinese Movie Database 


Huang Zhiqiang


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Total 32 records


1. Organized Crime & Triad Bureau (1994)
2. Rock N' Roll Cop (1994)
3. Crime Story (1993)
4. Taking Manhattan (1992)
5. Gunmen (1988)
6. True Colours (1986)
7. Lifeline Express (1984)
8. Health Warning (1983)
9. Club, The (1980)
10. Dead Knot (1969)


1. The Adventurers (1995)
2. Crystal Fortune Run (1994)
3. Beginner's Luck (1994)
4. Fait Accompli (1994)
5. The Mad Monk (1993)
6. Cageman (1992)
7. Story of Ricky (1992)
8. The Twin Dragons (1992)
9. Long Arm of the Law III (1989)
10. Casino Raiders (1989)
11. Star and Roses (1989)
12. Fortune Code (1989)
13. Sun, Moon, and Star (1988)
14. Final Justice (1988)
15. Rich and Famous (1987)
16. Tragic Hero (1987)
17. Crazy Boy and Pop-Eye (1979)
18. Payoff (1979)


1. Police Confidential (1995)


1. Return to Action (1990)
2. Forsaken Cop (1990)
3. Dead Knot (1969)

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