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Chinese Movie Database 


Jin Chengwu


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Rating: Attractiveness
7/11 voted Ranking: 14
Rating: Talent
5.5/10 voted Top rated
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Total 33 records


1. The Red Cliff 2 (2009)
2. Red Cliff (2008)......Zhuge Liang
3. Title in pinyin: xia2 yin3 (2008) [Planning]
4. The Warlords (2007)
5. Confession of Pain (2006)
6. Perhaps Love (2005)
7. House of Flying Daggers (2004)
8. Turn Left Turn Right (2003)
9. Lavender (2000)
10. Tempting Heart (1999)
11. Title in pinyin: chou4 pi4 wang2 (1999)
12. The Sleepless Town (1998)
13. Anna Magdalena (1998)......Chen Jiafu
14. Odd One Dies, The (1997)
15. Downtown Torpedoes (1997)
16. First Love the Litter on the Breeze (1997)
17. Hero (1997)
18. Title in pinyin: huo3 shao1 dao3 zhi1 heng2 hang2 ba4 dao4 (1997)
19. Dr. Wai in the Scripture With No Words (1996)
20. Forever Friends (1996)
21. Title in pinyin: pao1 niu1 zhuan1 jia1 (1996)
22. Lost and Found (1996)
23. China Dragon (1995)
24. Fallen Angels (1995)
25. Title in pinyin: tao2 xue2 zhan4 jing3 (1995)
26. School Days (1995)
27. Trouble Maker (1995)
28. Don't Give a Damn (1995)
29. Mermaid Got Married (1994)
30. No, Sir (1994)
31. ChungKing Express (1994)
32. The Wrath of Silence (1994)
33. Executioners (1993)

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