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Chinese Movie Database 

LUNG Silung

Lang Xiong


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Total 29 records


1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
2. Four Chef and a Feast (1999)
3. Title in pinyin: chun1 feng1 de2 yi4 mei2 long3 zhen4 (1999)
4. The Sleepless Town (1998)
5. The Opium War (1997)
6. Island of Greed (1997)
7. Tonight Nobody Goes Home (1996)
8. Title in pinyin: liu2 lang4 wu3 tai2 (1995)
9. Lover's Lover (1994)
10. Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)
11. Title not available (1994)
12. The Wedding Banquet (1993)
13. Pushing Hands (1991)
14. Title in pinyin: guo2 fu3 sun1 zhong1 shan1 yu2 kai1 guo2 ying1 xiong2 (1989)
15. Title not available (1987)
16. Title in pinyin: hua1 yue4 zheng4 chun1 feng1 da4 jie2 ju2 (1987)
17. Title not available (1985)
18. Title in pinyin: tian1 liang2 hao3 ge3 qiu1 (1980)
19. China My Native Land (1980)
20. The Coldest Winter in Peking (1980)
21. Orientation, The (1980)
22. Good Morning, Taipei (1980)
23. Title in pinyin: jin1 bang3 lang4 zi3 (1980)
24. Title in pinyin: qiu1 lian2 (1979)
25. Title not available (1978)
26. He Never Gives Up (1978)
27. Title in pinyin: ai4 zai4 xi1 yang2 xia4 (1978)
28. My Sweet Memory (1977)
29. Tiger Cliff (1975)

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