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Chinese Movie Database 

Lei Zhen

Lei Zhen


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Total 51 records


1. In the Mood for Love (2000)
2. Young and Dangerous II (1996)
3. The Ghost (1972)
4. Betrayer (1969)
5. Lightning Sword (1969)
6. The Partisan Lovers (1969)
7. Duel At the Supreme Gate (1968)
8. Red Plum Pavilion (1968)
9. Escape (1968)
10. The Fortune-Teller's Daughter (1968)
11. Young Love (1967)
12. New version of Peach Blossom River (1967)
13. The Iron Horse (1967)
14. The Fugitive (1966)
15. Seventh Heaven (1966)
16. Title in pinyin: zhen1 zhu1 lei4 (1965)
17. Liang San Poh and Chu Ing Tai (1964)
18. The Magic Lamp (1964)
19. Greatest Love Affair on Earth (1964)
20. The Imperial Lady (1964)
21. City Fantasy (1964)
22. Father and Son (1963)
23. Father Takes a Bride (1963)
24. Because of Her (1963)
25. It's Always Spring (1962)
26. The Bedside Story (1962)
27. The Male Bride (1962)
28. Greatest Wedding on Earth, The (1962)
29. Education of Love (1961)
30. You Were Meant For Me (1961)
31. The Greatest Civil War on Earth (1961)
32. Song Without Words (1961)
33. The Iron Fist (1960)
34. Miss Secretary (1960)
35. Miss Pony-Tail (1960)
36. Sleeping Beauty (1960)
37. Dreams Come True (1960)
38. Corpses at Large (1960)
39. Bachelors Beware (1960)
40. Tragic Melody (1960)
41. Forever Yours (1960)
42. Lady on the Roof (1959)
43. Wedding Bells for Hedy (1959)
44. Our Beloved Son (1959)
45. All in the Family (1959)
46. Air Hostess (1959)
47. Our Dream Car (1959)
48. Little Darling (1958)
49. Golden Lotus (1957)
50. Green Hills and Jade Valleys (1956)


1. Beauty Parade (1961)

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