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Chinese Movie Database 

Li Kun

Li Kun


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Total 29 records


1. Title not available (1978)


1. Banana Paradise (1989)
2. Title not available (1986)
3. Papa's Spring (1985)
4. Title not available (1985)
5. Title not available (1983)
6. All the King's Men (1982)
7. Title not available (1982)
8. Title not available (1981)
9. Title in pinyin: tian1 xia4 yi1 da4 xiao4 (1980)
10. Title not available (1980)
11. Title not available (1979)
12. Title in pinyin: jie2 hun1 san1 ji2 tiao4 (1979)
13. Title not available (1978)
14. The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lung (1978)
15. Spiritual Kung Fu (1978)
16. Naked Comes the Huntress (1978)
17. Bed for Day, Bed for Night (1977)
18. The Seven Coffins (1975)
19. Back Alley Princes (1973)
20. The Three Smiles (1969)
21. Operation Lipstick (1967)
22. The Lotus Lamp (1965)
23. Sons of Good Earth (1965)
24. The Dancing Millionairess (1964)
25. Lady General Hua Mulan (1964)
26. The Amorous Lotus Pan (1964)
27. The Love Eterne (1963)
28. Tragic Melody (1960)

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