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Chinese Movie Database 

Rachel LEE Lai-Chun

Li Lizhen


Rachel LEE Lai-Chun Rachel LEE Lai-Chun
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Total 58 records


1. Title in pinyin: hong2 he2 (2008)
2. Fing's Raver (2001)
3. Nightmare in the Precinct 7 (2001)......Oscar
4. TV Series Gender War (2000)
5. Esprit d'Amour (2000)
6. Ordinary Heroes (1999)
7. Sex and Zen II (1996)
8. Sexy and Dangerous (1996)
9. Those were the Days (1996)
10. Funny Business (1996)
11. Once Upon a Time in Triad Society (1996)
12. Bloody Friday (1996)
13. Highway Man (1995)
14. Why Wild Girls (1994)
15. Pink Bomb (1993)
16. Title in pinyin: chi4 luo3 de5 you4 huo4 (1993)
17. Remains of a Woman (1993)
18. Crazy Love (1993)......Jane
19. Spirit of Love (1993)
20. Angel of the Road (1993)
21. TV Series Title in pinyin: xia2 nu:3 you2 long2 (1993)
22. Legend of the Liquid Sword (1993)
23. Girls Unbutton (1993)
24. Gun N' Rose (1992)
25. The Musical Vampire (1992)
26. TV Series Title in pinyin: po4 jian3 bian1 yuan2 (1992)
27. Pom Pom & Hot Hot (1992)
28. It's a Mad Mad Mad World Too (1992)
29. Summer Lovers (1992)
30. All's Well End's Well (1992)
31. TV Series The Greed of Man (1992)
32. Off Track (1991)
33. Shanghai 1920 (1991)
34. Forbidden Arsenal (1991)
35. Jail House Eros (1990)
36. Happy Ghost IV (1990)
37. Goodbye Hero (1990)
38. The Dragon from Russia (1990)
39. Saga of the Phoenix (1990)
40. Chicken a la Queen (1990)
41. The Wild Ones (1989)
42. Running Mate (1989)
43. It's a Mad Mad World III (1989)
44. Mr. Vampire Saga Four (1988)
45. It's a Mad Mad World II (1988)
46. It's a Mad Mad World (1987)
47. Porky's Meatballs (1987)
48. Final Victory (1987)
49. My Family (1986)
50. Devoted to You (1986)
51. Kiss Me Goodbye (1986)
52. For Your Heart Only (1985)
53. Grazy Games (1985)
54. Isle of Fantasy, The (1985)
55. Happy Ghost (1984)
56. Shanghai Blues (1984)
57. Merry Christmas (1984)
58. Everlasting Love (1984)


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