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Chinese Movie Database 

Li Pengfei

Li Pengfei


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Total 68 records


1. Big Time for the Crazy Bumpkins (1976)
2. Challenge of the Masters (1976)
3. Sex for Sale (1974)
4. The Human Goddess (1972)
5. Between Justice and Love (1966)
6. Romance of a Teenage Girl (1966)
7. Pursuit of a Murderer (1966)
8. The Blind Swordsman, Part Two (1965)
9. Adventures of a Woman in a War (1965)
10. Silent Love (1965)
11. Remorse (1965)
12. Pursuit of the Murderer in the Dog-racing Court (1965)
13. The Blind Swordsman, Part One (1965)
14. The Black Rose (1965)
15. The Pursuit (1965)
16. The Willow Knife (1964)......Liu Daxiong
17. Love and Passion (1964)
18. Student Prince, The (1964)
19. The Fake Husband (1964)
20. Love Forever (1963)
21. The Chase (1962)
22. A Couple in Cold War (1962)
23. True Love (1962)
24. Night Must Fall (1962)
25. Chain Murder (1962)
26. The Lock (1961)
27. Love Knot, Part Two (1960)
28. Besieged (1959)
29. The Double-Speared Luk Man-lung (1959)
30. Crime of Passion in the Mansion (1959)
31. When Durians Bloom (1959)
32. Title in pinyin: liu2 lian2 piao1 xiang1 (1959)
33. The Case of the Female Corpse (1959)
34. Driver No.7 (1958)
35. The Black Mask (1958)
36. Murder on a Wedding Night (1958)
37. A Gift of Happiness (1958)
38. Sweet Girl in Terror (1958)
39. Over My Dead Body (1958)
40. Darling Girl (1957)
41. Best Fortune (1957)
42. Murder on the Beach (1957)
43. Outcry of the Ghost (1956)
44. Title in pinyin: ci2 mu3 lei4 (1956)
45. The House of Sorrows (1956)
46. The Precious Sword and the Gold Hairpin (1954)
47. Save Your Water Supply aka Taps Off, Downstairs! (1954)
48. Under the Moon, by the Qinhuai River, We Meet Again (1953)
49. No Sign of the Swallow's Return (1951)
50. Monkey King's Adventures in the Girls' Kingdom (1950)
51. Strange Hero of the Dual Swords, Part One (1950)
52. Nazha and the Red Kid (1950)
53. The Gardener's Daughter (1950)
54. Eighteen Years of Woe (1950)
55. The Crazy Duke (1949)
56. The Woman General, Muk Kwaiying (1949)


1. A Devoted Soul, Part One (1949)
2. A Devoted Soul, Part Two (1949)

Production Manager

1. Mother was Grand (1956)
2. Homeless Girl (1954)
3. The Singer's Beautiful Bride (1952)
4. Never Ending Night (1952)
5. Who Will Sympathise with Stepmothers? (1951)
6. No Sign of the Swallow's Return (1951)
7. The Gardener's Daughter (1950)
8. Eighteen Years of Woe (1950)
9. Pear Blossom in a Winter Storm (1950)
10. Bo-yuk in Memorial of Ching-man (1949)

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