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Chinese Movie Database 

Bruce LEE

Li Xiaolong


Rating: Attractiveness
6.63/8 voted Top rated
Rating: Talent
8.63/8 voted Top rated
I haven't voted yet I haven't voted yet
Total 20 records


1. Game of Death (1978)
2. The Way of the Dragon (1972)


1. Cinema Hong Kong (2009)
2. Tower Of Death (1981)......Li Zhenqiang
3. Game of Death (1978)
4. Enter the Dragon (1973)
5. Fist of Fury (1972)
6. The Way of the Dragon (1972)
7. The Big Boss (1971)
8. Orphan, The (1960)
9. Darling Girl (1957)
10. Thunderstorm (1957)
11. An Orphan's Tragedy (1955)
12. Orphan's Song (1955)
13. A Son Is Born (1953)
14. A Mother Remembers (1953)
15. In the Face of Demolition (1953)
16. The Kid (1950)


1. Game of Death (1978)
2. The Way of the Dragon (1972)

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