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Chinese Movie Database 

Li Yingjiu

Li Yingjiu


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Total 25 records


1. Ghost for Sale (1991)
2. Point of No Return (1990)
3. Sumbling Cops (1988)
4. Sister Cupid (1987)
5. The Intellectual Trio (1985)


1. My Dad is a Jerk (1997)
2. Sixty Million Dollar Man (1995)
3. Oh! Yes Sir! (1994)
4. 92 Legendary La Rose Noire (1992)
5. Arrest the Restless (1992)
6. The Intellectual Trio (1985)


1. Mist In Judge (2001)
2. Close Escape (1989)
3. Sumbling Cops (1988)
4. Sweet Sixteen (1986)
5. Silent Romance (1984)
6. Carry On Pickpocket (1982)
7. Crazy Nuts (1981)
8. His Name Is Nobody (1979)
9. The Ghost and I (1979)

Production Manager

1. By Hook Or By Crook (1980)
2. Odd Couple (1979)
3. Crazy Couple (1979)
4. Fist and Guts (1979)
5. Winner Takes All (1977)

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