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Chinese Movie Database 

Li Zixiong

Li Zixiong


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Total 45 records


1. The Warring State (2011)
2. Title in pinyin: meng4 xiang3 jiu4 zai4 shen1 bian1 (2010)
3. My Belle Boss (2010)
4. The First of August (2007)......Wang Jingwei
5. Title in pinyin: ting2 zhi3 hu1 xi1 (2007) [Post-production]
6. Return of the God of Battle (2006)
7. TV Series The Academy (2005)
8. TV Series Twin of Brothers (2004)
9. Infernal Affairs III (2003)
10. Inner Senses (2002)
11. TV Series Gender War (2000)
12. Running Out of Time (1999)
13. The Conman (1998)
14. Title not available (1998)
15. The Lord of Hangzhou (1998)
16. TV Series Burning Flame (1998)
17. Task Force (1997)
18. He-Du-Men (1996)
19. Red Zone (1995)
20. A Taste of Killing and Romance (1994)
21. Wing Chun (1994)
22. Underground Judgement (1994)
23. Pink Bomb (1993)
24. Lady Super Cop (1993)
25. Misty (1992)
26. The 1000 Years Cat (1992)
27. Girls Without Tomorrow 1992 (1992)
28. Avenging Quartet (1992)
29. Swordsman II (1992)
30. Powerful Four (1991)
31. Tricky Brains (1991)
32. The Actress (1991)......Li Minwei
33. To Be Number One (1991)
34. Forbidden Arsenal (1991)
35. Royal Scoundrel, The (1991)
36. Roar of the Vietnamese, The (1991)
37. A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990)
38. Spy Games (1990)
39. Song of the Exile (1990)
40. Bullet in the Head (1990)
41. Web of Deception (1989)
42. Diary of a Big Man (1988)
43. Gunmen (1988)
44. The Big Heat (1988)
45. A Better Tomorrow (1986)

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