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Chinese Movie Database 

Patricia LAM Fung

Lin Feng


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Total 143 records


1. Young Passion (1974)
2. Title in pinyin: na3 ge4 bu2 duo1 qing2 (1970)
3. The Imperial Warrant (1968)
4. The Long Journey Home (1967)
5. The Butterfly Legend (1967)
6. The Full Moon (1967)
7. Treasure of Diamonds (1966)
8. Who Is More Beautiful? (1966)
9. The Eighteen Darts, Part Two (1966)
10. The Merry Matrimony (1966)
11. Green is the Grass (1966)
12. The Golden Ring (1966)
13. Goddess of Mercy (1966)
14. Golden Monk (1966)
15. Eight Dieties (1966)
16. The Eighteen Darts, Part One (1966)
17. Yearning for You (1965)
18. The Three Sisters, Part Two (1965)
19. There's a Dead Body in the Case (1965)
20. The Skeleton Tower Under the Sea, Part Two (1965)
21. Aunt Ping, Part One (1965)
22. Good Luck (1965)
23. The Ideal Husband (1965)
24. A Mysterious Murder (1965)
25. The Blood-stained Butterly Mountain (1965)
26. Family Doctrine, Part One (1965)
27. Playful Young Folks aka Boys and Girls (1965)
28. The Young Boss Who Pulls Rickshaw (1965)
29. A Movie Studio Comes to Singapore and Malaysia (1965)
30. Aunt Ping, Part Two (1965)
31. Women's Hearts (1965)
32. Dial 999 for the Three Murderers (1965)
33. Family Doctrine, Part Two (1965)
34. Triple Romance (1965)
35. The Legend of Eight Heroes, Part One (1965)
36. Three Lady Musketeers (1965)
37. The Three Sisters, Part One (1965)
38. Tears of a Plum Blossom (1965)
39. The Vulture and the Heroine (1965)
40. The Skeleton Tower Under the Sea, Part One (1965)
41. Heaven, Hell, Crystal Palace (1965)
42. The Legend of Eight Heroes, Part Two (1965)
43. Beautiful Heaven (1964)
44. The Naughty Girl Teases Her Husband (1964)
45. My Four Children, Part Two (1964)
46. The Fake Husband (1964)
47. Buddha's Palm, the Grand Conclusion (1964)
48. Queen of the Market Place (1964)
49. The Invisible Lucky Star (1964)
50. Long Live My Wife (1964)
51. What Now My Love (1964)
52. Man Bites Dog (1964)
53. The Big Circus (1964)
54. The Frightened Bird (1964)
55. The Prince of the Magic Sword (1964)
56. Heroes' Love (1964)
57. Buddha's Palm, Part Three (1964)
58. My Darling Children and Grandchildren (1964)
59. A Girl's Tears (1964)
60. My Four Children, Part One (1964)
61. Buddha's Palm, Part Four (1964)
62. Buddha's Palm, Part One (1964)
63. Head for Sale (1963)
64. A Woman's Sad Story, Part One (1963)
65. The Spy (1963)
66. Crying Over Qiuxiang (1963)
67. Murder in a Deserted House (1963)
68. The Good Fortune of a Fool (1963)
69. A Gimmicky World (1963)
70. The Eight Fairies' Adventures in the Eastern Sea (1963)
71. A Woman's Sad Song, Part Two (1963)
72. The Quarrelsome Lovers (1963)
73. The Young Boss of the Factory (1963)
74. A Girl Named Leng Qiuwei, Part Two (1963)
75. Wrong Coupling (1963)
76. Miss Qiu Feng, Part One (1963)
77. The Legend of Li Xian (1963)
78. The Wonderful Years (1963)
79. Wife and Mistress in the Same House (1963)
80. The World is a Big Family (1963)
81. Two City Girls (1963)
82. A Stingy Fellow (1963)
83. Miss Qiu Feng, Part Two (1963)
84. Mythical Crane, Evil Dragon (1963)
85. Horror in a Girl's Room (1963)
86. A Girl Named Leng Qiuwei, Part One (1963)
87. Murder at the Pier (1963)
88. The Adventure of a Stage-fan (1962)
89. The Filial Son's Treasure-hunt (1962)
90. Temporary Couple (1962)
91. Murder in the Car (1962)
92. Our Adopted Daughter (1962)
93. Chain Murder (1962)
94. Double Date (1962)
95. aka The Robe aka Monk in a Tragic (1962)
96. Mysterious Murder (1962)
97. The Princess and the 7 Little Heroes (1962)
98. Beauty in a Fallen City (1962)
99. A Smile for a Kingdom (1962)
100. This Merry World (1962)
101. Thief Captures Thief (1962)
102. Waiting for the Prodigal Son to Return (1962)
103. Trauma under the Car (1962)
104. Title in pinyin: qian4 nu:3 qing2 xia2 xia4 ji2 (1962)
105. Midnight Terror (1962)
106. Awaiting the Husband to Return on a Pavilion (1962)
107. Public Spirited Lovers, Part One (1962)
108. 7 Playful Women (1962)
109. Come Home aka Three Groom for (1962)
110. Romance in the Manor House (1962)
111. Love on the Mount (1961)
112. Romance and the Adventure of Roza (1961)
113. Twin Swords, Part One aka The Mandarin-Swords (1961)
114. Title in pinyin: qian4 nu:3 qing2 xia2 shang3 ji2 (1961)
115. Manhunt (1961)
116. Heroes of the Age (1961)
117. Public Spirited Lovers, Part One (1961)
118. When the Poles Meet (1961)
119. The Sinner of Love (1961)
120. Third Master Sha and His Charming Maid (1961)
121. Twin Swords, Part Two (1961)
122. Lost Girl (1961)
123. The Pursuers aka The Chase (1960)
124. Sleeping Beauty (1960)
125. A Helping Hand (1960)
126. Love Knot, Part One aka The Foolish Heart (1960)
127. Love and Chasity (1960)
128. Love Knot, Part Two (1960)
129. The Greenhorn in Love aka First Love (1960)
130. The Ever-blooming Water-lilies aka Fragrant Lotus (1960)
131. Secret Agent: the Swallow (1960)
132. A Night of Thrills aka A Night of Terror (1960)
133. The Merdeka Bridge (1959)
134. Glass Slippers (1959)
135. Title in pinyin: liu2 lian2 piao1 xiang1 (1959)
136. When Durians Bloom (1959)
137. Young Rock (1959)
138. A Virtuous Girl from a Humble Household (1958)
139. A Pretty Girl's Love Affair (1958)
140. Princess Jade Lotus (1958)
141. Sweet Girl in Terror (1958)
142. The Fairy's Sleeves (1957)
143. The Marriage between the Quick and the Dead (1957)

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