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Chinese Movie Database 

LAM Ka-Tung

Lin Jiadong


Rating: Attractiveness
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Total 34 records


1. Firestorm (2013)
2. Cold War (2012)
3. Drug War (2012)
4. 72 Tenants of Prosperity (2010)
5. The Child's Eye 3D (2010)
6. Vengeance (2009)
7. The First 7th Night (2009)
8. Ip Man (2008)......Li Chiu
9. Sparrow (2008)
10. Chaos (2008)
11. The Lucky Seven (2007)
12. Mad Detective (2007)
13. Triangle (2007)
14. Bar Paradise (2007)
15. Two Stupid Eggs (2007)
16. Brothers (2007)
17. 2 Becomes 1 (2006)
18. My Mother is a Belly Dancer (2006)
19. I'll Call You (2006)
20. Wait 'til You're Older (2005)
21. Superkid (2005)
22. A-1 Headline (2004)
23. Infernal Affairs III (2003)
24. Infernal Affairs (2002)......Big B
25. Love Me, Love My Money (2001)
26. The Kid (1999)
27. Gen-X Cops (1999)
28. Up For the Raising Sun (1997)
29. The Eighth (1996)
30. TV Series Once Upon A Time in Shanghai (1996)......Ding Li
31. TV Series Mutual Affection (1996)
32. Hong Kong Showgirls (1996)
33. TV Series Down Memory Lane (1995)


1. Gallants (2010)

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