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Chinese Movie Database 

Lin Kunshan

Lin Kunshan


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Total 64 records


1. The Miser (1938)


1. Our Love Solid as Gold (1962)
2. The Reunion (1962)
3. Love's Obligation (1961)
4. Three Drops of Blood (1960)
5. The Outcast Woman, Part One (1960)
6. Bitter Lotus, Part One (1960)
7. The Devoted Lover (1955)
8. The Flight of the Swallows (1953)
9. Bright Night (1953)
10. Ten Fat Brides for Skinny (1952)
11. A Small Gift from Afar (1950)
12. Miss Lau and the Arrogant Chiu (1950)
13. Magic of Tiger Dragon (1950)
14. A Host of Blunders (1950)
15. Ghost House (1950)
16. A Baby for Everybody (1949)
17. Romance Everywhere (1949)
18. Chan Mung-kat versus Fong-tong Keng (1949)
19. The Divorce of Chu Mai-sen (1949)
20. Orphan's tears (1949)
21. To Steal a Sweetheart (1948)
22. Twelve Beauties Mansion (1948)
23. Tears of the Returned One (1947)
24. The Virtuous Soul of a Lascivious (1947)
25. The Herbal Beauty (1947)
26. Never Want to See the Past Love (1947)
27. The Young Couple (1947)
28. Gala Performance of Opera and Movie Stars (1947)
29. New White Golden Dragon (1947)
30. The Knight of Deserted Island (1941)
31. Fiery Village (1941)
32. Old Master Ho (1941)
33. Snow White and Her Seven Friends (1941)
34. Spring Engulfs the Mansion (1941)
35. Jealousy and Suspicions (1940)
36. The Blood-stained Plum Blossom Fan (1940)
37. The Spotlight (1940)
38. Master Keung (1939)
39. A poor Man's Deliverance (1939)
40. Burning of the Stone Mansion (1939)
41. Pillow Talk (1939)
42. Peace in All Ages (1938)
43. The Miser (1938)
44. Life is Hard! (1937)
45. The Country Bumpkin Visits His In-laws (1937)
46. The Polygamist, Part Two (1937)
47. On the Eve of the Great Battle (1937)
48. The Illegitimate Son (1937)
49. The Sentimental Angel (1937)
50. An Indulgent Old Man (1937)
51. The Country Bumpkin Searches for His Son (1936)
52. Children's Debts (1936)
53. The Polygamist (1936)
54. The Bumbling Father-in-law (1935)
55. The Country Bumpkin Tours the City (1935)
56. Life (1935)
57. The Modern Bride, Part Two (1935)
58. The Modern Bride (1935)
59. A Blooming Rose (1935)
60. Unworthy of Love (1935)
61. The Mischief Makers (1934)


1. The Miser (1938)


1. The Miser (1938)

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