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Chinese Movie Database 

Lin Wei (3)

Lin Wei (3)

林伟 (2)/林偉

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Total 26 records


1. The Snake Prince (1976)


1. On and Pom (1999)
2. crazy (1999)
3. My Pale Lover (1993)
4. The Tangles Love (1992)


1. The Princess Presents Her Petition (1962)
2. Her Prosperous but Selfish Husband (1958)

Production Manager

1. Incredible Rumour (1968)
2. The Detective (1966)
3. Ghost Chasers (1966)
4. Bitter Fear (1966)
5. Eight Murderers (1965)
6. Noxious Palm (1964)
7. Sword of Justice (1964)
8. Seven Tigers (1964)
9. South Dragon, North Phoenix (1963)
10. The Heroic Breed of Ming (1962)
11. Heroic Lovers (1961)
12. Revenge and Gratitude (1961)
13. Heroine with a Red Scarf (1961)
14. Sweet Girl (1959)
15. The Beautiful Ghost's Grievance (1959)
16. Butterfly Lovers (1958)
17. The Sweepstakes Seller (1958)
18. Why Not Return? (1958)

Associate Producer

1. Butterfly Lovers (1958)

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