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Chinese Movie Database 

LIN Zifeng

Ling Zifeng


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Total 21 records


1. Ripples Across Stagnant Water (1992)
2. Savage Land (1988)
3. A Woman For Two (1988)
4. The Border Town (1984)
5. Rickshaw Boy (1982)
6. Li Siguang (1979)
7. Title in pinyin: cao2 yuan2 xiong2 ying1 (1964)
8. Title in pinyin: chun2 lei2 (1961)
9. Song of the Red Flag (1960)
10. Title in pinyin: shen1 shan1 li3 de ju2 hua1 (1958)
11. Mother (1956)
12. Title in pinyin: chun1 feng1 chui1 dao4 nuo4 min3 he3 (1954)
13. Title in pinyin: jin1 yin2 tan1 (1953)
14. Title in pinyin: shan3 bei3 mu4 ge1 (1951)
15. Title in pinyin: guang1 rong2 ren2 jia1 (1950)
16. Daughters of China (1949)


1. Li Siguang (1979)


1. In September (1984)
2. Rickshaw Boy (1982)
3. Song of the Red Flag (1960)
4. Title in pinyin: chun1 feng1 chui1 dao4 nuo4 min3 he3 (1954)

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