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Chinese Movie Database 

Liu Zhan

Liu Zhan


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Total 15 records


1. How Wong Feihung Stormed Phoenix Hill (1958)
2. Wong Fei-hung's Three Battles with the Unruly Girl (1957)
3. How Wong Feihung Fought a Bloody Battle in the Spinster's Ho (1957)
4. Wong Fei-hung and the Lantern Festival Disturbance (1956)
5. Wong Fei-hung Rescues the Fishmonger (1956)
6. How Wong Feihung Set Fire to Dashatou (1956)
7. The Story of Kam Fung-chi and Fourth Madam Lui (1955)
8. Wong Fei-hung's Rival for the Fireworks (1955)
9. hung Vanquished the Bully at a Long (1955)
10. Leung Foon and Lam Sai-wing (1955)
11. Wong Fei-hung Tries His Shadowless Kick (1954)
12. The Story of Wong Fei-hung and Lam Sai-wing (1954)
13. The Brave Archer (1951)
14. Story of Huang Fei-hung: Part I (1949)


1. How Wong Feihung Defeated Three Bullies with a (1953)

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