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Chinese Movie Database 

Jeff LAU Chun-Wai

Liu Zhenwei


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Total 41 records


1. Just Another Pandora's Box (2010)
2. Metallic Attraction: Kungfu Cyborg (2009)
3. Title in pinyin: chu1 shui3 fu2 rong2 (2008)
4. A Chinese Tall Story (2005)
5. Chinese Odyssey 2002 (2002)
6. The Black Rose (1997)
7. Mahjong Dragon (1996)
8. Out of the Dark (1995)
9. A Chinese Odyssey Part One - Pandora's Box (1995)
10. A Chinese Odyssey Part Two - Cinderella (1995)
11. Love and the City (1994)
12. Treasure Hunt (1994)
13. The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993)
14. Days of Tomorrow (1993)
15. All for the Winner (1990)
16. Thunder Cops II (1989)
17. Operation Pink Squad II (1989)
18. Haunted Cop Shop II, The (1988)
19. Operation Pink Squad (1988)
20. The Haunted Cop Shop (1987)


1. Just Another Pandora's Box (2010)
2. A Chinese Odyssey Part One - Pandora's Box (1995)
3. A Chinese Odyssey Part Two - Cinderella (1995)
4. Fist of Fury 1991 (1991)


1. Title in pinyin: zhong1 hua2 da4 zhang4 fu1 (2007) [Planning]
2. Fallen Angels (1995)
3. Fist of Fury 1991 II (1992)
4. Love is Love (1990)


1. Just Another Pandora's Box (2010)
2. Chinese Odyssey 2002 (2002)
3. The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993)
4. Days of Tomorrow (1993)
5. Fist of Fury 1991 II (1992)
6. Fist of Fury 1991 (1991)
7. Today's Hero (1991)
8. Thunder Cops II (1989)
9. Operation Pink Squad II (1989)
10. Haunted Cop Shop II, The (1988)
11. Operation Pink Squad (1988)
12. The Haunted Cop Shop (1987)

Executive Producer

1. Flaming Brothers (1987)

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