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Lü3 Qi2


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Total 148 records


1. Wives And Lovers (1985)
2. Ugly Tycoon (1984)
3. Man Crazy (1982)
4. 36 Secrets of Courtship (1982)
5. Sexy Career Girls (1981)
6. Story of Taxi Dancers (1981)
7. The Stud and the Nymphs (1980)
8. Naughty Scandals (1979)
9. The Foxy Ladies (1979)
10. Delinquent Teenagers (1978)
11. Starlets for Sale (1977)
12. Mysterious Lady Killer (1977)
13. Girls for Sale (1976)
14. Oriental Playgirls (1976)
15. Girl's Diary (1975)
16. The Hooker and the Hustler (1975)
17. Romance in Paris (1975)
18. Mini-Skirt Gang (1974)
19. Sexy Playgirls (1973)
20. Adultery Chinese Style (1973)
21. Sexy Girls of Denmark (1973)
22. Title in pinyin: nu:3 ren2 mian4 mian4 guan1 (1973)
23. The Misguided Youth (1972)
24. House of Tears (1971)
25. The Heart Stealer (1970)
26. Manli, I Love You (1969)
27. Her Tender Love (1969)
28. Love with a Malaysian Girl (1969)


1. Ugly Tycoon (1984)
2. Ugly Tycoon (1984)
3. Mysterious Lady Killer (1977)
4. Oriental Playgirls (1976)
5. The Hooker and the Hustler (1975)
6. Adultery Chinese Style (1973)
7. House of Tears (1971)
8. The Heart Stealer (1970)
9. Secret Agent No.1 (1970)
10. The Invincible (1969)
11. Love with a Malaysian Girl (1969)
12. The One-armed Magic Nun (1969)
13. Moments of Glorious Beauty (1969)
14. Manli, I Love You (1969)
15. Magic Cat (1969)
16. Title in pinyin: long2 fei1 feng4 wu3 (1969)
17. Four Darling Daughters (1969)
18. The One-eyed Loner (1969)
19. Her Tender Love (1969)
20. Singing Darlings (1969)
21. The Love of Red Leaf (1968)
22. Title in pinyin: mei2 lan2 ju2 zhu2 (1968)
23. The One-eyed Swordsman (1968)
24. Won't You Give Me a Kiss? (1968)......Yu Zhi Gang
25. Incredible Rumour (1968)
26. What a Good Time (1968)
27. Young, Pregnant and Unmarried (1968)
28. Title in pinyin: yu4 nu:3 xin1 (1968)
29. Love Him, Miss Him, Hate Him (1968)
30. The Saint (1968)
31. The Avenging Sword (1968)
32. Title in pinyin: hua1 yang4 de5 nian2 hua2 (1968)
33. Beauty in the Mist (1968)
34. Broadcast Queen (1967)
35. Bunny Girl (1967)
36. Lady in Distress: The Invincible Fighter (1967)
37. Blood Stains the Iron Fist (1967)
38. Title in pinyin: yu4 nu:3 shen2 tou1 (1967)
39. The Sweetest Moment (1967)
40. Love at First Sight (1967)
41. Title in pinyin: huan1 le4 ge1 sheng1 chu3 chu3 wen2 (1967)
42. The Lady Killer (1967)
43. The Strange Girl (1967)
44. Waste Not Our Youth (1967)
45. They All Fall in Love (1967)
46. Title in pinyin: yu4 mian4 nu:3 sha1 xing1 (1967)
47. The Brave Girl (1967)
48. The Great Lover (1967)
49. The Charming Little Bird (1967)
50. A Glamorous Christmas Night (1967)
51. Unforgetable First Love (1967)
52. Title in pinyin: yu4 nu:3 qin1 qing2 (1967)
53. Mr. Know How (1966)
54. Girls are Flowers (1966)
55. Movie-fan Princess (1966)
56. Violet Girl (1966)
57. Forget Not Tonight (1966)
58. Title in pinyin: na3 zha1 shou1 qi1 yao1 (1966)
59. The One-armed Swordsman (1966)
60. Melody of Love (1966)
61. I Want You (1966)
62. Little Foursome Family (1966)
63. Girl Detective 001 (1966)
64. Nyasa Lad Against 7 Devils (1966)
65. The Merry Matrimony (1966)
66. The Curse (1965)
67. Romantic Lover (1965)
68. When Girls are in Love (1965)
69. An Independent Daughter (1964)
70. The First Prize (1964)
71. A Mad Woman (1964)
72. North and South aka North Meets (1964)
73. A Beautiful Ghost (1964)
74. Bedside Horror (1963)
75. The Barren Valley aka Vengence in the Valley (1963)
76. Lost Girl (1961)
77. Imposters (1961)
78. Dragon Street aka Duel in Black (1961)
79. Mother (1961)
80. Magic Cave aka The Treasure Hunt (1961)
81. Nine Victims to a Murder aka The Tragdy of Nine Lives (1960)
82. Love and Chasity (1960)
83. The Orphan in Distress aka The Orphans (1960)
84. The Simpleton and the Thief aka A Fool to Catch a Thief (1960)
85. Life for Life aka Death to the Killer (1960)
86. Sleeping Beauty (1960)


1. The Strange Girl (1967)
2. Unforgetable First Love (1967)
3. Mr. Know How (1966)


1. Wives And Lovers (1985)
2. Ugly Tycoon (1984)
3. 36 Secrets of Courtship (1982)
4. Man Crazy (1982)
5. The Stud and the Nymphs (1980)
6. Naughty Scandals (1979)
7. The Foxy Ladies (1979)
8. Delinquent Teenagers (1978)
9. Starlets for Sale (1977)
10. Mysterious Lady Killer (1977)
11. Girls for Sale (1976)
12. Oriental Playgirls (1976)
13. The Hooker and the Hustler (1975)
14. Romance in Paris (1975)
15. Girl's Diary (1975)
16. Mini-Skirt Gang (1974)
17. Sexy Playgirls (1973)
18. Adultery Chinese Style (1973)
19. Sexy Girls of Denmark (1973)
20. The Misguided Youth (1972)
21. House of Tears (1971)
22. The Heart Stealer (1970)
23. Love with a Malaysian Girl (1969)
24. Manli, I Love You (1969)
25. Her Tender Love (1969)
26. Won't You Give Me a Kiss? (1968)
27. The Strange Girl (1967)
28. Unforgetable First Love (1967)
29. Forget Not Tonight (1966)
30. Melody of Love (1966)
31. Mr. Know How (1966)

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