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Chinese Movie Database 

Lu Yunfeng

Lu Yunfeng


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Total 30 records


1. The Long Night (1958)
2. Fong Tong-geng and Chan Mung-kat (1957)
3. Kindness for Kindness (1957)
4. How Fong Tonggeng Exasperated the Government Official (1957)
5. Tenth Madam To Sinks Her Treasure Chest in Anger (1956)
6. Sisters-in-Laws' Love (1955)
7. Troublous Wives and Husband (1954)


1. Mr. Kwong Tung And The Robber (1980)
2. Hero and Beauty (1961)

Production Manager

1. Mr. Kwong Tung And The Robber (1980)
2. A New Schedule for the Baby (1964)
3. A Good Daughter-in-law is Better Than a Son (1964)
4. How Shui Guanyin Thrice Tricked Bai Jinlong (1962)
5. Romance of Flower Sale aka Flower Boy (1960)
6. Two Fools Catch the Murderer (1959)
7. A Beauty in Times of War (1959)
8. A Commander without an Army (1959)
9. The Three Murderers (1959)
10. Judge Bao's Night Trial of the Walking Corpse (1959)
11. A Patriot's Sword (1958)
12. The Rickshaw-Puller Wins a Pretty Girl (1958)
13. Two Fools in Hell (1958)
14. The Long Night (1958)
15. Chan Chuen-chung's Three Genuflections before the Goddess of (1958)
16. How Fong Tonggeng Exasperated the Government Official (1957)
17. Law Tung Conquers the North (1957)
18. Poon Hau-wan's Seduction of Sek Sau (1956)
19. A Girl Called Ah Sau (1955)
20. Who Will Get the Pretty Girl? (1955)
21. The Sly Woman (1955)

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