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Chinese Movie Database 

LO Wai

Luo Wei (1)


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Total 194 records


1. The Fearless Hyena Part II (1983)
2. Dragon Fist (1979)
3. Spiritual Kung Fu (1978)
4. To Kill with Intrigue (1977)
5. The Kung Fu Kid (1977)
6. Shaolin Wooden Men (1976)
7. New Fist of Fury (1976)
8. Shantung Man in Hong Kong (1975)
9. Dexterous Touch (1975)
10. The Bedevilled (1974)
11. Naughty! Naughty! (1974)
12. Chinatown Coppers (1974)
13. Yellow-Faced Tiger (1974)
14. Enforcers (1974)
15. Back Alley Princes (1973)
16. None But the Brave (1973)
17. A Man Called Tiger (1973)
18. Tattooed Dragon, The (1973)
19. Seaman No.7 (1973)
20. The Hurricane (1972)
21. Fist of Fury (1972)
22. The Big Boss (1971)
23. The Shadow Whip (1971)
24. The Invincible Eight (1971)
25. The Comet Strikes (1971)
26. Vengeance of a Snowgirl (1971)
27. Brothers Five (1970)
28. The Golden Sword (1969)
29. Dragon Swamp (1969)
30. Raw Courage (1969)
31. Forever and Ever (1968)
32. Angel Strikes Again (1968)
33. Black Butterfly (1968)
34. Death Valley (1968)
35. Angel with the Iron Fists (1967)
36. Summons to Death (1967)
37. Madame Slender Plum (1967)
38. The Golden Buddha (1966)
39. Crocodile River (1965)
40. Call of the Sea (1965)
41. The Magic Lamp (1964)
42. An Affair to Remember (1964)
43. The Golden Arrow (1963)
44. Meng Lisi, Maid of the Jungle (1961)
45. Song Without Words (1961)
46. Title in pinyin: lian2 xiang1 xi4 xie2 (1960)
47. The Tender Trap of Espionage (1960)
48. Black Butterfly (1960)
49. Tragic Melody (1960)
50. Song From a Haunted House (1959)
51. Mischievous Girl (1958)
52. Romance on Lake Emerald (1958)
53. Love River (1957)
54. The 72 Martyrs of Canton (1954)
55. A Wrong Move (1954)
56. The Husband's Diary (1953)
57. Mr Handsome (1953)
58. She Wants Her Man (1953)


1. Fist of Fury (1972)
2. The Eunuch (1971)
3. The Golden Sword (1969)......Bai Zhen Dong
4. Raw Courage (1969)
5. Death Valley (1968)
6. Forever and Ever (1968)
7. Angel Strikes Again (1968)
8. Black Butterfly (1968)
9. Angel with the Iron Fists (1967)
10. Madame Slender Plum (1967)
11. Summons to Death (1967)
12. The Golden Buddha (1966)
13. Call of the Sea (1965)
14. Crocodile River (1965)
15. Squadron 77 (1965)
16. Romance of the Forbidden City (1964)
17. The Magic Lamp (1964)
18. A Story of Three Loves, Part One (1964)
19. The Golden Arrow (1963)
20. The Empress Wu Tse-tien (1963)
21. Little Lotus (1963)
22. A Fine Romance (1962)
23. Meng Lisi, Maid of the Jungle (1961)
24. Song Without Words (1961)
25. The Witch-Girl, He Yueer (1961)
26. The Girl With the Golden Arm (1961)
27. Beauty Parade (1961)
28. The Tender Trap of Espionage (1960)
29. Tragic Melody (1960)
30. A Shadow Over the Chateau (1960)
31. Black Butterfly (1960)
32. Love Letter Murder (1959)
33. All in the Family (1959)
34. Song From a Haunted House (1959)
35. Red Turn the Flowers When Down Come the (1959)
36. Desire (1959)
37. Springtime on the Beach (1959)
38. 48 Hours in Escape (1959)
39. Full of Joy (1959)
40. Under the Spell of Love (1959)
41. Calendar Girl (1959)
42. Love's Sad Ending (1959)
43. The Heroine (1959)
44. Torrents of Desire (1958)
45. Mischievous Girl (1958)
46. Little Darling (1958)
47. Nobody's Child (1958)
48. Prince of the Sea (1958)
49. Romance on Lake Emerald (1958)
50. Diau Charn (1958)
51. The Blood-Stained Lantern (1958)
52. Love and Crime (1957)
53. Booze, Boobs and Bucks (1957)
54. Love River (1957)
55. A Mellow Spring (1957)
56. A Mating Story (1957)
57. Always in My Heart (1956)
58. Beyond the Blue Horizon (1956)
59. Dangerous Beauty (1956)
60. Songs of the Peach Blossom River (1956)
61. Red Bloom in the Snow (1956)
62. Miss Kikuko (1956)
63. Flesh and Flame (1956)
64. Fresh Peony (1956)
65. Lady Balsam's Conquest (1955)
66. Camellia (1955)
67. Tokyo Interlude (1955)
68. The Heroine (1955)
69. The Little Girl Named Cabbage (1955)
70. A Romantic Person Has Romantic Debts (1954)
71. Rose, Rose I Love You (1954)
72. The 72 Martyrs of Canton (1954)
73. A Wrong Move (1954)
74. White-Dappled Snake (1954)
75. Mr Handsome (1953)
76. Sorrowful Glory (1953)
77. The Husband's Diary (1953)
78. A Woman's Love (1953)
79. The Secret Life of Lady So Lee (1953)
80. She Wants Her Man (1953)
81. The Queen without a Crown (1953)
82. Love Eternal (1953)
83. Witch, Devil, Man (1952)
84. A Scholar's Adventures (1952)
85. Prisoner of Love (1951)
86. A Forgotten Wife (1950)
87. The Sins of Our Fathers (1949)


1. Blade of Fury (1993)
2. Her Judgement Day (1992)
3. Criminal Hunter (1988)
4. The Young Taoism Fighter (1986)
5. Walking Beside Me (1986)
6. Champion Operation (1986)
7. Hong Kong Graffiti (1985)
8. Let Us Flirt, Partner (1985)
9. Lucky Diamond (1985)
10. The Ghost Informer (1984)
11. Taoism Drunkards (1984)
12. Devil Fetus (1983)
13. Energetic 21 (1982)
14. Dangerous Person (1981)
15. The Crazy Chase (1981)
16. Title in pinyin: shao4 lin2 mu4 ren2 hang2 (1980)
17. Half A Loaf of Kung Fu (1980)
18. The Rebellious Reign (1980)
19. Dragon Fist (1979)
20. Big Boss of Shanghai (1979)
21. Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin (1978)
22. Spiritual Kung Fu (1978)
23. To Kill with Intrigue (1977)
24. Dexterous Touch (1975)
25. The Tender Trap of Espionage (1960)
26. Black Butterfly (1960)
27. Song From a Haunted House (1959)
28. Romance on Lake Emerald (1958)
29. Mischievous Girl (1958)


1. The Kung Fu Kid (1977)
2. Shantung Man in Hong Kong (1975)
3. The Bedevilled (1974)
4. Naughty! Naughty! (1974)
5. Yellow-Faced Tiger (1974)
6. Enforcers (1974)
7. Back Alley Princes (1973)
8. None But the Brave (1973)
9. A Man Called Tiger (1973)
10. Tattooed Dragon, The (1973)
11. Seaman No.7 (1973)
12. The Hurricane (1972)
13. Fist of Fury (1972)
14. The Blade Spares None (1971)
15. The Comet Strikes (1971)
16. Brothers Five (1970)
17. The Golden Sword (1969)
18. Angel Strikes Again (1968)
19. The Golden Buddha (1966)
20. An Affair to Remember (1964)

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