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Chinese Movie Database 

Miao Kexiu

Miao Kexiu


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Total 27 records


1. Merry Go-round (2010)
2. Run Papa Run (2008)
3. Title not available (1981)
4. Sakyamuni Buddha (1980)
5. Title not available (1980)
6. TV Series Reincarnated (1979)
7. Title not available (1979)
8. Handcuff, The (1979)
9. Dragon Fist (1979)
10. Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin (1978)
11. Showdown at the Equator (1978)
12. Title not available (1977)
13. The Kung Fu Kid (1977)
14. Clans of Intrigue (1977)
15. New Fist of Fury (1976)
16. Money is Everything (1975)
17. Naughty! Naughty! (1974)
18. The Skyhawk (1974)
19. The Devil's Treasure (1973)
20. Fist of Fury (1972)
21. The Way of the Dragon (1972)
22. The Hurricane (1972)
23. The Big Boss (1971)
24. The Comet Strikes (1971)
25. The Invincible Eight (1971)
26. The Blade Spares None (1971)

Production Manager

1. Young Dreams (1982)

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