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Chinese Movie Database 

Qiao Hong

Qiao Hong


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Total 66 records


1. Sometimes, Miracles Do Happen (1999)
2. All's Well End's Well 97 (1997)
3. Blind Romance (1996)
4. Age of Miracles, The (1996)
5. Summer Snow (1995)
6. Only Fools Fall in Love (1995)
7. Treasure Hunt (1994)
8. Cageman (1992)
9. A Kid From Tibet (1991)
10. King of Gambler (1990)
11. Life Is A Moment (1987)
12. Righting Wrongs (1986)
13. Inspector Chocolate (1986)
14. The Family Strikes Back (1986)
15. The Protector (1985)
16. Happy Sixteen (1982)
17. Tower Of Death (1981)
18. The Mad Mad Mad Sailors (1981)
19. Crazy Kops (1981)
20. Second Class Resident (1981)
21. The Killer in White (1980)
22. Itchy Fingers (1979)
23. Crazy Hustlers (1979)
24. Follow the Star (1978)
25. Game of Death (1978)
26. Foxbat (1977)
27. The Good, the Bad and the Loser (1976)
28. The Valiant Ones (1975)
29. Lucky, Lucky (1974)
30. Games Gambers Play (1974)
31. Enter the Dragon (1973)
32. Cheat To Cheat (1973)
33. The Fate of Lee Khan (1973)
34. Cheating Panorama (1972)
35. A Touch of Zen (1972)
36. A Touch of Zen, Part II (1972)
37. The Arch (1970)
38. Escorts Over Tiger Hill (1969)
39. Travels With a Sword (1968)
40. The Invisible Sabre (1968)
41. Title in pinyin: la5 se4 du2 huang2 feng1 (1967)
42. The White Swan (1967)
43. Bomb in Pink (1967)
44. A Debt of Blood (1966)
45. Double Exposure (1966)
46. Gold Button (1966)
47. The Golden Gun (1966)
48. Romance of the Forbidden City (1964)
49. Because of Her (1963)
50. Lily of the Valley (1962)
51. Ladies First (1962)
52. It's Always Spring (1962)
53. The Girl With the Golden Arm (1961)
54. You Were Meant For Me (1961)
55. The Iron Fist (1960)
56. June Bride (1960)
57. Swindler's Delight (1960)
58. Happily Ever After (1960)
59. Death Trap (1960)
60. Miss Secretary (1960)
61. The Tragedy of Love (1959)
62. Welcome, God of Wealth! (1959)
63. Wedding Bells for Hedy (1959)
64. Lady Tigress (1959)
65. Air Hostess (1959)
66. Fresh Peony (1956)

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