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Chinese Movie Database 


Qin Han


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Total 83 records


1. Title in pinyin: tie3 xue3 shen2 tan4 (1982)
2. Title not available (1979)


1. The Knot (2006)
2. TV Series Title in pinyin: zi3 yu4 jin1 sha1 (2005)
3. TV Series Title in pinyin: qing2 ai4 hong2 chen2 (1995)
4. Don't Cry, Nanking (1995)
5. Treasure Hunt (1994)
6. Love in Venice (1991)
7. The Actress (1991)......Tang Jishan
8. Promising Ms. Bowie (1990)
9. Red Dust (1990)
10. TV Series Title in pinyin: hai1 ou1 fei1 chu4 cai3 yun2 fei1 (1989)
11. TV Series Title in pinyin: zai4 shui3 yi1 fang1 (1988)
12. TV Series Title in pinyin: ting2 yuan4 shen 1 shen1 (1987)
13. Title in pinyin: xiao3 zhen4 yi1 sheng1 de ai4 qing2 (1986)
14. TV Series Many Enchanting Nights (1986)
15. TV Series Title in pinyin: yan1 yu3 meng2 meng2 (1986)
16. Title not available (1984)
17. Title not available (1984)
18. Marianna (1982)
19. Title not available (1982)
20. Title in pinyin: tie3 xue3 shen2 tan4 (1982)
21. Title not available (1982)
22. Title in pinyin: ai4 ni3 ru4 gu3 (1981)
23. Title not available (1981)
24. Title in pinyin: long2 de5 chuan2 ren2 (1981)
25. My Cape of Many Dreams (1981)
26. Title in pinyin: yun2 qie3 liu2 zhu4 (1981)
27. Title not available (1980)
28. Title in pinyin: yi1 dui4 sha3 diao3 (1980)
29. The Marigolds (1980)
30. Title not available (1980)
31. Title not available (1980)
32. Title in pinyin: wo3 ta1 lang4 er2 lai2 (1980)
33. Title not available (1980)
34. Title not available (1980)
35. Title not available (1980)
36. China My Native Land (1980)
37. Title not available (1979)
38. Title not available (1979)
39. Wild Goose on the Wing (1979)
40. Love Under a Rozy Sky (1979)
41. Title not available (1979)
42. A Love Seed (1979)
43. Title not available (1978)
44. Title not available (1978)
45. Title not available (1978)
46. He Never Gives Up (1978)
47. Title not available (1978)
48. The Spring Lake (1978)
49. Love on a Foggy River (1978)
50. Title not available (1977)
51. Title in pinyin: ai4 qing2 da4 jin4 ji1 (1977)
52. Title in pinyin: hai4! qin1 ai4 de (1977)
53. Title not available (1977)
54. Title not available (1977)
55. Confused Love (1977)
56. Title not available (1976)
57. Cloud of Romance (1976)
58. Title not available (1976)
59. Title not available (1976)
60. Title not available (1976)
61. Posterity and Perplexity (1976)
62. Title not available (1976)
63. Title not available (1976)
64. Panted Waves of Love (1976)
65. Title not available (1976)
66. Title not available (1975)
67. Title in pinyin: zai4 shui3 yi4 fang1 (1975)
68. Title in pinyin: re4 lang4 (1975)
69. Land of the Undaunted (1975)
70. Sex for Sale (1974)
71. Spring Comes Not Again (1974)
72. Rhythm of The Wave (1974)
73. House for Love (1974)
74. Title not available (1974)
75. The Story of My Mother (1973)
76. Outside the Window (1973)
77. Title not available (1972)
78. Title not available (1972)
79. Sister's Lover (1967)


1. Betrayer (1969)

Production Manager

1. Title in pinyin: tie3 xue3 shen2 tan4 (1982)

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