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Chinese Movie Database 

Ren Yizhi

Ren Yizhi


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Total 27 records


1. Three Seventeens (1972)
2. It's Spring Again (1967)
3. The Fair Ladies (1967)
4. A Sensuous Dream of Paradise (1966)
5. That Certain Age (1966)
6. The Four Daughters (1963)
7. Extortion (1961)
8. Ah, It's Spring (1961)
9. Sweet as Honey (1959)
10. The Precious Little Moon (1959)
11. An Unfulfilled Wish (1959)
12. First Love (1958)
13. Snow Lily (1957)
14. Mama Sings a Song (1957)


1. hung and Wife Eradicated the (1958)
2. Witch, Devil, Man (1952)
3. Bloodshed in a Besieged Citadel (1948)
4. The Heroine (1948)
5. Female Spy 76 aka No 76 Lao Kan Tat (1947)
6. Lady Robin Hood (1947)


1. Three Seventeens (1972)
2. The Fair Ladies (1967)
3. That Certain Age (1966)
4. The Four Daughters (1963)
5. Ah, It's Spring (1961)
6. Extortion (1961)
7. Snow Lily (1957)

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