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Chinese Movie Database 

Shi Dongshan

Shi Dongshan


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Total 20 records


1. Legend of New Heroes, A (1951)
2. Title in pinyin: ba1 qian1 li3 lu4 yun2 he2 yue4 (1947)
3. Title in pinyin: hao3 zhang4 fu1 (1939)
4. Title in pinyin: bao3 wei4 wo3 men2 de tu3 di4 (1938)
5. March of Youth (1937)
6. Title in pinyin: kuang2 huan1 zhi1 ye4 (1935)
7. Title in pinyin: gong4 fu4 guo2 nan4 (1932)
8. Title in pinyin: fen4 dou4 (1932)
9. Title in pinyin: yin2 han4 shuang1 xing1 (1931)
10. Live on Love (1926)
11. Mother's Happiness (1926)
12. Yanghua's Hate (1925)


1. Back Home from City (1925)


1. Legend of New Heroes, A (1951)
2. Title in pinyin: ba1 qian1 li3 lu4 yun2 he2 yue4 (1947)
3. Title in pinyin: hao3 zhang4 fu1 (1939)
4. Title in pinyin: bao3 wei4 wo3 men2 de tu3 di4 (1938)
5. Title in pinyin: fen4 dou4 (1932)
6. Live on Love (1926)
7. Yanghua's Hate (1925)

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