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Chinese Movie Database 

Alan TAM Wing-Lun

Tan Yonglin


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Total 40 records


1. Fortune King is Coming to Town! (2010)
2. Title in pinyin: suo3 lin2 you4 li3 zhi1 wo3 ai4 yi1 jia1 ren2 (2006)
3. 97 Aces Go Places (1997)
4. Age of Miracles, The (1996)
5. The Tiger's Legend of Canton (1993)
6. Master Wong vs. Master Wong (1993)
7. Once Upon a Time a Hero in China (1992)
8. Last Blood, The (1991)
9. Alan and Eric - Between Hello and Goodbye (1991)
10. Panty House Hero (1990)
11. No Risk, No Gain (1990)
12. Casino Raiders (1989)
13. Fortune Code (1989)
14. Dragon Family (1988)
15. Love Soldier of Fortune (1988)
16. Rich and Famous (1987)
17. You're My Destiny (1987)
18. Armor of God (1986)
19. My Family (1986)
20. Mummy Dearest (1985)
21. Affectionately Yours (1985)
22. The Other Side of Gentleman (1984)
23. Esprit D'amour (1983)
24. Title not available (1982)
25. Till Death Do We Scare (1982)
26. Title not available (1982)
27. Title in pinyin: pi1 li4 da4 niu1 (1982)
28. Title not available (1981)
29. Title not available (1981)
30. If I Were For Real (1981)
31. Title not available (1981)
32. Title not available (1981)
33. Title not available (1980)
34. Title in pinyin: yi1 dui4 sha3 diao3 (1980)
35. Flower Just Smile in the Spring Breeze (1979)
36. Making It (1978)


1. You're My Destiny (1987)

Song Singer

1. TV Series The Fear Less Duo (1984)
2. TV Series The Superpower (1983)
3. TV Series Title in pinyin: jiang1 jun1 chou2 ju1 (1982)

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