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Chinese Movie Database 

Tian Peng

Tian Peng


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Total 32 records


1. Title not available (1981)
2. Title in pinyin: bi4 xue3 xi3 yin2 qiang1 (1980)


1. Title not available (1983)
2. Title in pinyin: feng1 ling2 zhong1 de dao1 sheng1 (1983)
3. Title in pinyin: chi4 se4 xiang3 wei3 she2 (1982)
4. Title not available (1982)
5. Title not available (1982)
6. Title not available (1981)
7. Title not available (1981)
8. Title not available (1980)
9. Title in pinyin: bi4 xue3 xi3 yin2 qiang1 (1980)
10. The Lawman (1979)
11. Title not available (1979)
12. Title not available (1977)
13. Title not available (1976)
14. Title not available (1976)
15. Title not available (1976)
16. Title not available (1975)
17. Title not available (1973)
18. The Boxers (1972)
19. Title not available (1972)
20. A Touch of Zen (1972)
21. The Champion of The Boxers (1972)
22. A Touch of Zen, Part II (1972)
23. The Decisive Battle (1971)......Yue Fei
24. Title not available (1971)
25. The Bravest Revenge (1971)
26. Rider of Revenge (1971)
27. Title not available (1971)
28. Title not available (1971)
29. Title not available (1968)


1. Title not available (1981)

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