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Chinese Movie Database 

Wang Keng

Wang Keng


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Total 33 records


1. When Girls are in Love (1965)
2. The House of Murders (1963)
3. Oriole, the Heroine (1960)
4. The Cruel Hand (1960)
5. Adultery (1958)
6. On the Banks of the Pearl River (1957)
7. Black Cat, the Cat Burglar (1956)
8. The Wall (1956)
9. Madam Mei (1956)
10. Memory of My Country (1955)
11. Jane (1955)
12. Love, Part One (1955)
13. Love, the Sequel (1955)
14. Runaway Lovers (1953)
15. Lucky Gathering (1953)
16. Her Perilous Adventures (1952)
17. Four Sirens (1952)
18. Lonely Moon on a Lonely Bed (1952)
19. A Dream of Wealth and Splendour (1951)
20. Pretty Girl Homeless (1951)
21. Lovers Mystery (1950)
22. Uproar in Hell (1949)
23. General Dik Ching (1949)


1. Lucky Gathering (1953)
2. Her Perilous Adventures (1952)
3. Means Money (1950)
4. Lovers Mystery (1950)
5. The Crazy Matchmaker (1948)

Production Manager

1. When Girls are in Love (1965)
2. Autumn Melancholy aka Days of Autumn (1962)
3. The Last Five Minutes (1960)
4. The Woman Between (1955)
5. Sworn Sisters (1954)

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