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Chinese Movie Database 

NG See-Yuen

Wu Siyuan


NG See-Yuen NG See-Yuen
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Total 55 records


1. The Unwritten Law (1985)
2. Tower Of Death (1981)
3. A Haunted House (1980)
4. The Invincible Armour (1977)
5. The Secret Rivals, Part II (1977)
6. The Secret Rivals (1976)
7. Bruce Lee-True Story (1976)
8. Million Dollars Snatch (1976)
9. Anti-Corruption (1975)
10. Little Super Man (1975)
11. Little Godfather from Hong Kong (1974)
12. The Rage of Wind (1973)
13. The Bloody Fists (1972)
14. Bad (1972)
15. Mad Killer (1971)


1. Déjà vu (1999)
2. The Soong Sisters (1997)
3. Evening Liasion (1995)
4. Once Upon a Time in China V (1994)
5. Once Upon a Time in China IV (1993)
6. Mister Mistress (1988)
7. Walk on Fire (1988)
8. The Unwritten Law (1985)
9. Host For A Ghost (1984)
10. Gun Is Law (1983)
11. The Sweet and Sour Cops Part II (1982)
12. Ninja In the Dragon's Den (1982)
13. Legend of a Fighter (1982)
14. Sweet and Sour (1981)
15. The Butterfly Murders (1979)
16. Drunken Master (1978)
17. Erotic Dream of Red Chamber (1978)
18. Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978)


1. Evening Liasion (1995)
2. The Unwritten Law (1985)
3. Ninja In the Dragon's Den (1982)
4. Sweet and Sour (1981)
5. Drunken Master (1978)
6. Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978)
7. The Invincible Armour (1977)
8. The Secret Rivals, Part II (1977)
9. The Secret Rivals (1976)
10. Bruce Lee-True Story (1976)
11. Million Dollars Snatch (1976)
12. Anti-Corruption (1975)
13. Little Super Man (1975)
14. Little Godfather from Hong Kong (1974)
15. Bad (1972)
16. The Bloody Fists (1972)


1. Kung Fu Wing Chun (2010)
2. Contract Lover (2007)
3. Evening Liasion (1995)
4. Green Snake (1993)
5. Dragon Inn (1992)

Artistic Supervisor

1. The Music Box (2006)

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