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Chinese Movie Database 

XIA Meng

Xia Meng


XIA Meng XIA Meng
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Total 40 records


1. Oh, The Spring is Here (1968)
2. The Fair Ladies (1967)
3. Title in pinyin: deng3 ni3, zai4 qing1 shan1 bian1 (1967)
4. A Heroic Romance (1965)
5. Garden of Repose (1964)
6. My Darling Princess (1964)
7. Garden of Repose (1964)
8. Between Vengeance and Love (1963)
9. Princess Falls in Love (1962)
10. Let's Get Married (1962)
11. Ah, It's Spring (1961)
12. A Mermaid's Love (1960)
13. The Eternal Love (1960)
14. Boudoir (1960)
15. The Bride Hunter (1960)
16. An Unfulfilled Wish (1959)
17. Sweet as Honey (1959)
18. Those Bewitching Eyes (1958)
19. The Green Swan Night Club (1958)
20. Between Husband and Wife (1958)
21. Husband Hunters (1958)
22. Forever Waiting (1957)
23. Escape into Trap (1957)
24. The Three Loves (1956)
25. A Widow's Tears (1956)
26. Sunrise (1956)
27. The Wedding Night (1956)
28. Never Leave Me (1955)
29. Merry-Go-Round (1954)
30. Joyce and Deli (1954)
31. Day Dream (1953)
32. A Torn Lily (1953)
33. The Gold-Plated Man (1953)
34. The Peerless Beauty (1953)
35. Modern Red Chamber Dream (1952)
36. Father Marries Again (1952)
37. Nyonyah (1952)
38. A Night Time Wife (1951)


1. Young Heroes (1983)
2. Boat People (1982)

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