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Chinese Movie Database 

Xie Yizhi

Xie Yizhi


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Total 37 records


1. The Swallows Fly (1941)
2. Mother and Son (1941)
3. Lovers of the Silver Screen (1939)
4. Vampires of the Haunted Mansion (1939)
5. Rivals in Love (1939)
6. The Walking Corpse (1939)
7. Spirit of the Ancient Grave (1939)
8. Rouge Tears (1938)
9. Brothers (1938)
10. General of Love (1938)
11. Rouge Tears (1938)
12. The Sun Rises Again (1937)
13. The West Chamber Then and Now (1937)
14. Vanguards of the Times (1937)
15. Monster of the Secret Chamber (1936)


1. A Big Restaurant (1964)
2. Forever Together (1964)
3. The Songstresses (1963)
4. Topples, Part One aka The Family of (1961)
5. House of Kam Topples, Part Two (1961)
6. Spirit of the Ancient Grave (1939)

Director of Cinematography

1. Scent of a Woman (1939)

Production Manager

1. House of Prosperity (1963)
2. The Songstresses (1963)
3. Night Must Fall (1962)
4. Many Aspects of Love (1961)
5. Topples, Part One aka The Family of (1961)
6. House of Kam Topples, Part Two (1961)
7. The Ten Brothers Vs the Sea Monster (1960)
8. Salvation aka Motherhood (1960)
9. A Tearful Life (1960)
10. Dear Love (1959)
11. The Chair (1959)
12. The Princess' Messenger (1958)
13. A Gift of Happiness (1958)
14. A Tale of Laughter and Tears (1957)
15. An Illusion of Paradise (1951)

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