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Chinese Movie Database 

Xiong Xinxin

Xiong Xinxin


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Total 26 records


1. 7 Assassins (2013)


1. 7 Assassins (2013)
2. The Warring State (2011)
3. Shaolin (2011)
4. The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake (2011)
5. The Blacksheep Affair (1998)
6. Once Upon A Time in China & America (1997)
7. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Ideal Century (1996)
8. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Headless General (1996)
9. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Final Victory (1996)
10. The Blade (1995)
11. The Little Drunken Masters (1995)
12. TV Series Fist of Fury (1995)
13. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Suspicious Temple (1995)
14. TV Series Wong Fei Hung Series: The Eight Assassins (1995)
15. Once Upon a Time in China V (1994)
16. To Live and Die in Tsimshatsui (1994)
17. Wonder Seven (1994)
18. Millionaire Cop (1993)
19. Once Upon a Time in China IV (1993)
20. Dragon Inn (1992)
21. Once Upon a Time in China III (1992)
22. Forced Nightmare (1992)
23. Once Upon a Time in China II (1992)
24. The Musical Vampire (1992)
25. The Pretty Ghostress Story (1991)

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