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Chinese Movie Database 


Yi Wen


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Total 107 records


1. The Decisive Battle (1971)
2. The Magnificent Gunfighter (1970)
3. Gun Fight at Lo Ma Lake (1969)
4. Iron Bones (1969)
5. The Search For Monita (1968)
6. Springtime Affairs (1968)
7. Title in pinyin: shui3 shang3 ren2 jia1 (1967)
8. Isle of Gold (1967)
9. The Wandering Knight (1967)
10. Forget Me Not (1966)
11. The Fugitive (1966)
12. The Longest Night (1965)
13. The Imperial Lady (1964)
14. The Magic Lamp (1964)
15. Mad About Music (1963)
16. Because of Her (1963)
17. Ladies First (1962)
18. The Male Bride (1962)
19. It's Always Spring (1962)
20. Debt of Love (1961)
21. Till the End of Time (1961)
22. Sun, Moon and Star, Part Two (1961)
23. Sun, Moon and Star, Part One (1961)
24. The Loving Couple (1960)
25. Corpses at Large (1960)
26. Happily Ever After (1960)
27. Forever Yours (1960)
28. Bachelors Beware (1960)
29. Miss Secretary (1960)
30. Spring Song (1959)
31. Air Hostess (1959)
32. 48 Hours in Escape (1959)
33. Crimes of Passion (1959)
34. Our Dream Car (1959)
35. Happy Union (1957)
36. Riots at the Studio (1957)
37. Holiday Express (1957)
38. Mambo Girl (1957)
39. Black Tulip of Inkabough (1956)
40. Journey to Kwan Shan (1956)
41. Always in My Heart (1956)
42. Madame Butterfly (1956)
43. Gloomy Sunday (1956)
44. Flesh and Flame (1956)
45. Camellia (1955)
46. The Little Girl Named Cabbage (1955)
47. Blood Will Tell (1955)
48. Lady Balsam's Conquest (1955)
49. Tokyo Interlude (1955)
50. The Heroine (1955)
51. The 72 Martyrs of Canton (1954)
52. The Secret Life of Lady So Lee (1953)

Based On

1. The Girl with a Thousand Guises (1959)......Novel
2. Always in My Heart (1952)......Novel


1. Bruce Lee and I (1976)
2. Trilogy of Swordsmanship (1972)
3. The Decisive Battle (1971)
4. Unconquered (1970)
5. Iron Bones (1969)
6. Gun Fight at Lo Ma Lake (1969)
7. Stormy Pearls (1968)
8. Title in pinyin: shui3 shang3 ren2 jia1 (1967)
9. The Fugitive (1966)
10. Forget Me Not (1966)
11. The Longest Night (1965)
12. Fairy, Ghost, Vixen (1965)
13. The Magic Lamp (1964)
14. Mad About Music (1963)
15. Because of Her (1963)
16. It's Always Spring (1962)
17. The Male Bride (1962)
18. Miss Secretary (1960)
19. The Loving Couple (1960)
20. Dreams Come True (1960)
21. Forever Yours (1960)
22. Bachelors Beware (1960)
23. Our Dream Car (1959)
24. Air Hostess (1959)
25. 48 Hours in Escape (1959)
26. Lady on the Roof (1959)
27. Holiday Express (1957)
28. Mambo Girl (1957)
29. Halfway Down (1957)
30. Happy Union (1957)
31. Riots at the Studio (1957)
32. Flesh and Flame (1956)
33. Black Tulip of Inkabough (1956)
34. The Story of a Fur Coat (1956)
35. Gloomy Sunday (1956)
36. The Heroine (1955)
37. Camellia (1955)
38. Monk Chai Kung and His Double (1955)
39. The Little Girl Named Cabbage (1955)
40. The 72 Martyrs of Canton (1954)
41. A Wrong Move (1954)
42. The Beauty and the Dumb (1954)
43. Do Not Forget Tonight (1953)
44. Miss Millionaire (1953)
45. The Husband's Diary (1953)
46. The Lost Generation (1953)
47. A Torn Lily (1953)
48. She Wants Her Man (1953)
49. A Broken-Hearted Nurse (1953)
50. Mr Handsome (1953)
51. Singing Under the Moon (1953)
52. Long Live the Bride aka Wedding Affairs (1952)
53. Always in My Heart (1952)

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