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Chinese Movie Database 

Yu Liang

Yu Liang


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Total 41 records


1. The Legend of Eight Heroes, Part One (1965)
2. The Legend of Eight Heroes, Part Two (1965)
3. Finally We Meet Again (1961)
4. Grievance of a Virtuous Lady (1960)
5. Triennial Mourning on the Bridge (1959)
6. Two Lucky Fools (1959)
7. The Merry Lovers (1951)
8. Red White Gold Dragon, Part One (1951)
9. This Glamorous Life (1951)
10. Red White Gold Dragon, Part Two (1951)
11. The Silver World of Fantasy (1951)
12. Fragments of a Tearful Song (1950)
13. Life's Blessing Complete (1950)
14. Blooms and Butterflies (1950)
15. A Quarrelsome Couple (1949)
16. Golden Turtle from Hell (1949)
17. Two Dragon Chase After a Pearl (1948)
18. The Outstanding One (1948)
19. Twelve Beauties Mansion (1948)
20. Wealth is Like a Dream (1948)


1. The Villain (1948)
2. The Desperate Man's Jump to Death (1948)
3. Hot Tempered Leung's Adventure in Hong Kong (1947)
4. Where is the Lady's Home? (1947)
5. War Criminal Number One (1947)
6. Blood Drips on the Withered Flowers (1942)
7. Mother and Son (1941)
8. The Mysterious Woman (1941)
9. The Metropolis (1941)
10. The River Serenade (1941)
11. A Bright Future (1941)
12. The Life of a Song Girl (1940)
13. The Wanton Empress (1940)
14. The Tolling Bell (1940)
15. The Life of the Living Buddha (1939)


1. Triennial Mourning on the Bridge (1959)
2. The Male and Female Magistrate (1956)
3. The Boat Girl Sues the Emperor (1956)
4. Peace to All Generations (1953)


1. This Glamorous Life (1951)
2. The Faithful Wife and Lascivious Woman (1948)

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