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Chinese Movie Database 

Zeng Lanshi

Zeng Lanshi


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Total 33 records


1. The Crazy Earl (1959)
2. On the Banks of the Pearl River (1957)
3. Fong Tong-geng and Chan Mung-kat (1957)
4. Black Cat, the Cat Burglar (1956)
5. Mr Wong and Fatso Chan (1955)
6. Jane (1955)
7. Troublous Wives and Husband (1954)
8. The Tragedy of a Double Marriage (1954)
9. Autumn Romance (1954)
10. The Wonderful Lamp (1953)
11. May Fortune Grow and Sons Come in a Row (1952)
12. The Fool's Nuptial Chamber (1952)
13. Wife Emperor aka My Wife, My Master (1952)
14. The Erroneous Romance (1951)
15. The Tiger's Den (1951)
16. The Dazzling Devil (1951)
17. A Dream of Wealth and Splendour (1951)
18. The Con Men (1951)
19. A Life of Rouge and Powder (1950)
20. The Great Dictator (1950)
21. A Dream of Silken Fineries (1950)
22. Poor But Happy (1950)
23. Too Many Wives Ruin the Husband (1950)
24. The Cruel Murder of the Concubine (1950)
25. Nocturnal Sacrifice at Lui Fung Tower (1949)
26. Bo-yuk in Memorial of Ching-man (1949)
27. Never Too Late to Meet (1949)
28. The Tang Emperor's Nocturnal (1949)
29. Trashy Heaven (1949)
30. The Handsome Master (1949)
31. To Kill the Love (1949)
32. The Dumb Wife (1949)
33. The Divorce of Chu Mai-sen (1949)

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