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Chinese Movie Database 

ZHANG Fengyi

Zhang Fengyi


ZHANG Fengyi ZHANG Fengyi
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Total 33 records


1. Sacrifice (2010)
2. The Red Cliff 2 (2009)
3. Red Cliff (2008)......Cao Cao
4. TV Series Sky Lover (2001)
5. Title in pinyin: zheng3 jiu4 ai4 qing (2001)
6. TV Series The Family (2001)
7. The Emperor and the Assasin (1998)
8. TV Series Title in pinyin: long2 tang2 (1998)
9. Title in pinyin: dang4 an4 x sha1 ren2 fan4 (1997)
10. Flying Tigers (1995)
11. Sun Valley (1995)
12. Police Confidential (1995)
13. One and a Half (1995)
14. Title in pinyin: pi1 li4 feng4 huang2 (1995)
15. The Great Conqueror's Concubine (1994)
16. Title not available (1994)
17. Revenge (1993)
18. Temptation of Monk (1993)
19. Farewell My Concubine (1993)......Duan Xiaolou
20. New Stories of an Assassin (1993)
21. The Blue Kite (1993)
22. Private Guard, The (1993)
23. No Regrets About Youth (1992)
24. Dragon Year Cops (1990)
25. Heading South (1990)
26. Commercial Circles (1989)
27. Prairie Fire (1988)
28. Soccer Heroes (1987)
29. Night Truck (1985)
30. The Road (1983)
31. Cut-Thoat Struggle For An Invaluable Treasure (1982)
32. Rickshaw Boy (1982)
33. My Memories of Old Beijing (1982)

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