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Chinese Movie Database 

Nick CHEUNG Kai Fai

Zhang Jiahui (2)


Nick CHEUNG Kai Fai Nick CHEUNG Kai Fai
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Total 46 records


1. Conspirators (2013)
2. MMA (2013)
3. Nightfall (2012)
4. Cross (2012)
5. Beginning of the Great Revival (2011)
6. The Stool Pigeon (2010)
7. To Live and Die in Mongkok (2009)
8. Connected (2008)
9. The Beast Stalker (2008)
10. My Wife is a Gambling Maestro (2008)
11. Title in pinyin: hong2 he2 (2008)
12. Sweet Revenge (2007)
13. Exodus (2007)
14. Wise Guys Never Die (2006)
15. Exiled (2006)
16. Election II (2006)
17. On the Edge (2006)
18. Election (2005)
19. Breaking News (2004)
20. Shiver (2003)
21. TV Series Ups and Down in the Sea of Love (2003)
22. Time 4 Hope (2002)
23. The Conman 2002 (2002)......Li Jia Cheng
24. TV Series Sky Lover (2001)
25. Every Dog Has His Date (2001)
26. Day Off (2001)
27. Clear My Name, Mr Coroner! (2000)
28. Love Correction (2000)......N
29. The Duel (2000)
30. Conman in Tokyo (2000)
31. My Name is Nobody (2000)
32. The Teacher without Chalk (2000)
33. Prince Charm (1999)
34. Conmen in Vegas, The (1999)
35. Raped by An Angel 4 The Rapist's Union (1999)
36. The King of Debt Collecting Agency (1999)
37. Tricky Master, The (1999)
38. He is My Enemy, Parnter & Father-in-Law (1999)
39. The Conman (1998)......Dragon
40. Ah Kam (1996)
41. Asian Connection (1995)
42. Raped by an Angel (1993)
43. The Unleaded Love (1992)
44. What a Hero (1992)
45. Against All (1991)
46. Thank You Sir (1989)

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