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Chinese Movie Database 

ZHANG Jingchu

Zhang Jingchu


ZHANG Jingchu ZHANG Jingchu
Rating: Attractiveness
8.57/14 voted Ranking: 2
Rating: Talent
6.1/10 voted Top rated
I haven't voted yet I haven't voted yet
Total 18 records


1. Switch (2013)
2. The Double Life (2010)
3. Aftershock (2010)
4. City Under Siege (2010)
5. Night and Fog (2009)
6. John Rabe (2009) [non-Chinese]
7. The Beast Stalker (2008)
8. Title in pinyin: hong2 he2 (2008)
9. And the Spring Comes (2007)......Gao Weihong
10. Rush Hour 3 (2007)......Soo Yung [non-Chinese]
11. Protégé (2007)
12. Title in pinyin: qian3 lan2 shen1 lan2 (2006)
13. The Road (2006)
14. Jade Warrior (2006)
15. Seven Swords (2005)
16. TV Series Title in pinyin: zi3 yu4 jin1 sha1 (2005)
17. A Bride from Shangri-La (2005)
18. Peacock (2004)

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