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Chinese Movie Database 

Zhang Zhiliang

Zhang Zhiliang


Zhang Zhiliang Zhang Zhiliang
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Total 36 records


1. Ticket (2008)
2. A Battle of Wits (2006)
3. TV Series Hero on the Silkroad (2004)
4. Never Say Goodbye (2001)
5. Midnight Fly (2001)
6. The Kid (1999)
7. Title in pinyin: ji4 de2 ... ... xiang1 jiao1 cheng2 shou2 shi2 III: wei2 ni3 zhong1 qing2 (1997)
8. Intimates (1997)
9. Whatever Will Be, Will Be (1995)
10. The Returning (1994)
11. Always on My Mind (1993)
12. Lover's Tear (1992)
13. Cageman (1992)
14. Goodbye Hero (1990)
15. Beyond the Sunset (1989)
16. Lai Shi, China's Last Eunuch (1988)


1. Hong Kong Graffiti (1997)
2. My Dad is a Jerk (1997)
3. Those were the Days (1996)
4. Cageman (1992)
5. Au revior, mon amour (1991)
6. Hong Kong Godfather (1991)


1. Midnight Fly (2001)
2. Never Say Goodbye (2001)
3. Title in pinyin: yan1 fei1 yan1 mie4 (2000)
4. The Kid (1999)
5. Title in pinyin: ji4 de2 ... ... xiang1 jiao1 cheng2 shou2 shi2 III: wei2 ni3 zhong1 qing2 (1997)
6. Intimates (1997)
7. Signal Left, Turn Right (1996)
8. Sparkling Fox (1994)
9. I've Got You, Babe!!! (1994)


1. A Battle of Wits (2006)
2. The Returning (1994)
3. Cageman (1992)
4. Beyond the Sunset (1989)

Executive Associate Producer

1. Mr. Vampire (1985)

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