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Chinese Movie Database 

Zhu Shilin

Zhu Shilin


Zhu Shilin Zhu Shilin
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Total 79 records


1. Men and Women (1964)
2. Hsu Hsueh Mei (1964)
3. Garden of Repose (1964)
4. Garden of Repose (1964)
5. Three Men and a Girl (1963)
6. The Eternal Love (1960)
7. Wild Rose (1959)
8. The Three Pearls (1959)
9. The Beggarly Girl (1959)......Chief director
10. Husband Hunters (1958)
11. Between Husband and Wife (1958)
12. Beauty Parlour Girls (1957)
13. A Widow's Tears (1956)
14. They All Want a Baby (1956)
15. Peacock aka To Marry or Not to (1956)
16. Love at First Sight (1955)
17. Full House (1955)
18. Year In, Year Out (1955)
19. Between Fire and Water (1955)
20. Flight of a Pair of Swallows (1954)
21. Joyce and Deli (1954)
22. Life and Death (1953)
23. Festival Moon (1953)
24. Keep Your Chin Up (1953)
25. Sons of the Earth (1952)
26. The Dividing Wall (1952)
27. Flora (1951)
28. Should They Marry? (1951)
29. Sorrows of Forbidden City (1948)
30. Where is My Darling? (1947)
31. Two Persons in Trouble Umsympathetic to Each Other (1946)
32. Title in pinyin: chun1 zhi1 meng4 (1946)
33. Title in pinyin: bu4 qiu2 ren2 (1943)
34. Title in pinyin: wan4 shi4 liu2 fang1 (1943)
35. Title in pinyin: ci2 mu3 lei4 (1937)
36. Title in pinyin: yi4 hai3 feng1 guang1 (1937)
37. Title in pinyin: xin1 jiu4 shi2 dai4 (1937)
38. Title in pinyin: guo2 feng1 (1935)
39. Title in pinyin: gui1 lai2 (1934)
40. Title in pinyin: qing1 chun1 (1934)
41. Title in pinyin: zi4 sha1 he2 tong2 (1930)


1. The Cricket and the King (1966)
2. Hsu Hsueh Mei (1964)
3. Garden of Repose (1964)
4. Three Men and a Girl (1963)
5. The Eternal Love (1960)
6. Wu Ku Niang (1960)
7. The Three Pearls (1959)
8. The Beggarly Girl (1959)
9. Between Husband and Wife (1958)
10. Husband Hunters (1958)
11. His Fabulous Wife (1957)
12. Beauty Parlour Girls (1957)
13. Peacock aka To Marry or Not to (1956)
14. A Widow's Tears (1956)
15. They All Want a Baby (1956)
16. The Wedding Night (1956)
17. Flight of a Pair of Swallows (1954)
18. Joyce and Deli (1954)
19. Keep Your Chin Up (1953)
20. The Gold-Plated Man (1953)
21. Where is My Darling? (1947)
22. Title in pinyin: chun1 zhi1 meng4 (1946)
23. Title in pinyin: ge4 you3 qian1 qiu1 (1946)
24. Title in pinyin: qiu1 shui3 yi1 ren2 (1946)
25. Two Persons in Trouble Umsympathetic to Each Other (1946)
26. Title in pinyin: guo2 bao3 (1945)
27. Title in pinyin: you1 lan2 pu3 (1945)
28. Title in pinyin: bu4 qiu2 ren2 (1943)
29. Title in pinyin: xue4 yan4 niang2 (1941)
30. Title in pinyin: xin1 jiu4 shi2 dai4 (1937)
31. Title in pinyin: gu1 cheng2 lie4 nü3 (1936)
32. Title in pinyin: qing1 chun1 (1934)
33. Title in pinyin: liang2 xiao1 (1934)
34. Title in pinyin: yin2 han4 shuang1 xing1 (1931)
35. Love and Duty (1931)
36. The Story of Sue San (1931)
37. Title in pinyin: zi4 sha1 he2 tong2 (1930)


1. A Dream of Red Mansions (1962)

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