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Chinese Movie Database 

Zhuang Xuejuan

Zhuang Xuejuan


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1. Title in pinyin: liang2 shan1 bai3 yu2 zhu4 ying1 tai1 (2 (2002)
2. (Xiu Niang) (1970)
3. The Butterfly Legend (1967)
4. Let's Get Married aka Double Wedding (1965)
5. The Crab's Song (1964)
6. The Perfumed Ball (1963)
7. Title in pinyin: chang2 ping2 gong1 zhu3 (1962)
8. Title in pinyin: wu2 han4 sha1 qi1 (1962)
9. Title in pinyin: jing3 bian1 hui4 (1961)
10. Pearl Phoenix (1961)
11. Title in pinyin: jiao1 duan1 meng2 yi1 ban3 da3 si3 jiang1 xi1 wang2 (1961)
12. Title in pinyin: guo1 zi3 yi2 da4 zhu4 shou4 (1961)
13. Title in pinyin: lian2 xiang1 xi4 xie2 (1960)
14. Title in pinyin: liu2 ming2 zhu1 san1 shen3 yu4 zhi1 lan2 (1960)


1. The Handsome Killer aka The Charming Killer (1969)
2. Mad Dragon (1969)

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