Title: Revisioning the Chinese Impression: The Scenic Writing of Li Hang Hsiang
- 金凤 Golden Phoenix (54)
- 雪里红 Red Bloom in the Snow (55)
- 貂蝉 Diau Charn (58)
- 江山美人 The Kingdom and the Beauty (59)
- 倩女幽魂 The Enchanting Shadow (60)
- 一毛钱 The Coin (63)
- 武则天 The Empress Wu (63)
- 梁山伯与祝英台 The Love Eterne (63)
- 王昭君 Beyond the Great Wall (64)
- 状元及第 Trouble on the Wedding Night (64)
- 西施 Hsih-Shih, Beauty of Beauties (65)
- 几度夕阳红 Many Enchanting Nights (66)
- 塔里的女人 Lady in the Tower (67)
- 破晓时分 The Dawn (67)
- 冬暖 The Winter (68)
- 扬子江风云 (69)
- 喜怒哀乐 Four Moods (70)
- 缇萦 The Story of Tin-ying (70)
- 骗术大观 Cheating Panorama (72)
- 大军阀 The Warlord (72)
- 金瓶双艳 The Golden Lotus (74)
- 倾国倾城 The Empress Dowager (75)
- 洞房艳史 Wedding Nights (76)
- 金玉良缘红楼梦 The Dream of the Red Chamber (77)
- 新白蛇传(真白蛇传) Love of the White Snake (78)
- 武松 Tiger Killer (83)
- 火烧圆明园 Burning of Imperial Palace (83)
- 垂帘听政 Reign Behind a Curtain (83)
- 火龙 The Last Emperor (86)
- 八旗子弟 Snuff Bottle (88)
- 西太后 The Empress Dowager (89)
- 半妖乳娘 The Demon Wet Nurse (92)
- 少女潘金莲 The Amorous Lotus Pan (94)
- 情人的情人 Lover's Lover (94)
- 火烧阿房宫
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- 景小佩,〈新旧倩女幽魂比较〉;周晏子主编,《Reflections of Cultural Change in Asia-Pacific Film》(第三十二届亚太影展特刊),1986。
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- 黄仁,《永远的李翰祥》,台北,锦绣,1997。
- 黄卓汉,《电影人生□黄卓汉回忆录》,台北,万象,1994。
- 刘天华,〈「大观园」与《园冶》□试谈曹雪芹的造园理想〉;明文出版社主编,《大观园论集》,台北,明文出版,1985。
- 刘天华,《园林美学》,台北,地景,1992。
- 刘现成,〈台湾电影发展史上的绝响:谈《梁山伯与祝英台》的社会意义〉,钟乔主编,《电影欣赏杂志》#71,台北,国家电影资料馆,1994。
- 戴志昂,〈红楼梦大观园的园林艺术〉;明文出版社主编,《大观园论集》,台北,明文出版,1985。
- 窦应泰,《大导演李翰祥》,哈尔滨,哈尔滨出版社,1997。
- 电影双周刊 #97、#99,#125,香港。
- 电影欣赏双月刊 #83/84,台北,国家电影资料馆,页86-111。
- 南国电影,香港,邵氏兄弟公司宣传刊物。
- Hector Rodriquez, "Question of Chinese Aesthetics: Film Form and
Narrative Space in the Cinema of King Hu," in Frank P. Tomasulo, ed., Film Journal
38, No.1, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998)
- Jay Leyda, Dianying (Massachusetts Institute Press, 1972) 270-281
- Chris Berry, ed., Perspectives on Chinese Cinema (London: British Film
Institute, 1991)
- Paul Clark, Chinese Cinema: Culture and Politics since 1949
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987)