1952 年度影片列表 (年度影片統計)
劇情片/故事片 207 (208)
Others: 短片 0 紀錄片
3 (3)
動畫片 0
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| | 片名 | 英文名 | 地區 |
51 | | 夫人蒞港新 (1952) | Kent's Visit to Hong | 香港 |
52 | | 奇俠黑旋風 (1952) | The Extraordinary Hero Black Swirling Wind | 香港 |
53 | | 如意吉祥 (1952) | A Prayer for Happiness | 香港 |
54 | | 如花美眷 (1952) | Beautiful Matching | 香港 |
55 | | 娘惹 (1952) | Nyonyah | 香港 |
56 | | 嫡庶之間難為母 (1952) | Between Her Own and the Concubine's Children | 香港 |
57 | | 嬲緣 (1952) | The Mismatched Marriage | 香港 |
58 | | 孝感動天 (1952) | Filial Piety That Moved the Heavens | 香港 |
59 | | 孤寒財主闊少爺 (1952) | The Stingy Millionaire Has a Spendthrift Son | 香港 |
60 | | 孽緣 (1952) | An Unrightful Couple | 香港 |
61 | | 寶劍定五龍 (1952) | A Sword Against Five Dargons | 香港 |
62 | | 寶劍神弓 (1952) | The Precious Sword and the Magic Bow | 香港 |
63 | | 小明星傳 (1952) | The Life of Siu Ming-sing | 香港 |
64 | | 峨嵋女俠 (1952) | A Heroine from Mount Emei | 香港 |
65 | | 彩鳳還巢 (1952) | Back Home Again | 香港 |
66 | | 從心所欲 (1952) | As You Desire aka When Wishes Come True | 香港 |
67 | | 快活神仙 (1952) | A Happy Fairy | 香港 |
68 | | 怪面虎大鬧骷髏洞 (1952) | How Queer-Faced Tiger Raided the Cave of the Skulls | 香港 |
69 | | 恩恩愛愛 (1952) | A Couple in Love | 香港 |
70 | | 恩情深似海 (1952) | A Love So Deep and Great | 香港 |
71 | | 我結婚十年 (1952) | Ten Years of Marriage | 香港 |
72 | | 戲迷情人 (1952) | Opera Fans' Sweetheart | 香港 |
73 | | 拜錯石榴裙 (1952) | Misjudged Courtship | 香港 |
74 | | 拜金的人 (1952) | Gold Diggers | 香港 |
75 | | 摩登新娘 (1952) | Bride la Mode | 香港 |
76 | | 新夜吊白芙蓉 (1952) | New Paying Nocturnal Mourning to White Lotus | 香港 |
77 | | 新夜送寒衣 (1952) | New Delivering Winter Clothes by Night | 香港 |
78 | | 新姑緣嫂劫 (1952) | New Tragic Sisters-in-Law | 香港 |
79 | | 新娘萬歲 (1952) | Long Live the Bride aka Wedding Affairs | 香港 |
80 | | 新海角紅樓 (1952) | New Red House by the Sea | 香港 |
81 | | 新琵琶記 (1952) | New Story of Pipa | 香港 |
82 | | 新紅樓夢 (1952) | Modern Red Chamber Dream | 香港 |
83 | | 新薛丁山三氣樊梨花 (1952) | New Sit Ting-shan Thrice Tricks Fan Lei-fa | 香港 |
84 | | 新金葉菊 (1952) | New Golden Leaf Chrysanthemum | 香港 |
85 | | 新陳三五娘 (1952) | New Story of Chen San and Fifth | 香港 |
86 | | 新雷峰塔 (1952) | New Lui Fung Pagoda | 香港 |
87 | | 方世玉肉搏洪熙官 (1952) | The Duel between Fong Sai-yuk and Hung Hei-kun | 香港 |
88 | | 方帽子 (1952) | A Bachelor is Born | 香港 |
89 | | 春宵醉玉郎 (1952) | Intoxication on a Spring Night | 香港 |
90 | | 春滿香城 (1952) | Spring is in Town | 香港 |
91 | | 春色滿華堂 (1952) | Amorous Happenings in the Splendid Hall | 香港 |
92 | | 時來運到 (1952) | Timely Fortune | 香港 |
93 | | 晨妻暮嫂 (1952) | Wife in the Morning, Sister-in-Law at Night | 香港 |
94 | | 月兒彎彎照九州 (1952) | Angel and Devil aka The Goddess and the Devil | 香港 |
95 | | 月夜痴魂 (1952) | The Devoted Soul | 香港 |
96 | | 月媚花嬌 (1952) | Charming Night | 香港 |
97 | | 有情飲水飽 (1952) | Nothing Counts But Love | 香港 |
98 | | 朱門紅淚 (1952) | The Sad Tale of a Wife in a Rich Household | 香港 |
99 | | 梁山伯再會祝英臺 (1952) | Leung Shan-pak's Second Meeting with Chuk Ying-toi | 香港 |
100 | | 楊乃武與小白菜大結局─六部會審楊乃武 (1952) | Yeung Nai-mo and Little Cabbage, Concluding Episode: The Tri | 香港 |
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