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Chinese Movie Database 

Chen Huanwen

Chen Huanwen


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Total 47 records


1. Title not available (1961)
2. Title in pinyin: hou4 mu3 xin1 (1960)
3. Title in pinyin: ci2 lang2 zhou1 (1960)
4. Title not available (1960)
5. Xuemei Misses Her Husband (1958)
6. Tragedy by a Canal (1958)
7. Three Scholars Rival for a Wife (1958)
8. Title not available (1958)
9. Story of the White Fan (1958)
10. A Smile for a Smile (1958)
11. Sister Jin Herds the Sheep (1957)
12. Romance of Western Chamber (Remake) (1956)
13. Girl in Disguise (1956)
14. Lianli Gives Birth to Han Qi (1956)
15. The Phoenix Returns Home (1956)
16. Madam Zhan Dian Sues (1956)
17. Lotus Nunnery (1955)
18. Lovers Who Have Survived a Turmoil (1955)
19. Judge Bao Judges Yueying (1955)
20. Love's Obligation (1955)
21. The Romance of Lychee and Mirror, Part Two (1954)
22. The Romance of Lychee and Mirror, Part Three (1954)
23. White-Dappled Snake (1954)
24. Beauty Trap (1954)
25. The Romance of Lychee and Mirror, Part One (1954)
26. Miss Millionaire (1953)
27. The Wonderful Lamp (1953)
28. A Broken-Hearted Nurse (1953)
29. The Magical Flying Swordsman (1951)
30. The Tiger's Den (1951)
31. The Phoenix Returns to the Nest (1951)
32. The Hero Becomes a Prisoner of Love (1950)
33. The Kung Fu Couple (1949)
34. The Vagabond Master, Part Four (1948)
35. The Vagabond Master, Part Two (1948)


1. The Strange Hero, Part One (1956)
2. The Strange Hero, Part Two (1956)
3. The Love of Susan (1954)
4. New Arabian Nights (1947)


1. The Tiger's Den (1951)
2. The Hero Becomes a Prisoner of Love (1950)

Production Manager

1. The Story of Wang Jinlong (1955)
2. Reunion (1954)
3. Do Not Forget Tonight (1953)
4. The Lost Generation (1953)
5. Long Live the Bride aka Wedding Affairs (1952)
6. Always in My Heart (1952)

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