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Chinese Movie Database 

Feng Kean

Feng Kean


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Total 23 records


1. Daughter Mafia Blues (1991)
2. Edge Of Darkness (1988)
3. Lady Vampire (1988)
4. The Gold Hunters (1981)


1. The Grandmaster (2013)
2. A Chinese Fairy Tale (2011)
3. The First 7th Night (2009)
4. Gong Tau (2007)
5. Papa Loves You (2004)
6. Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
7. A Warrior's Tragedy (1993)
8. Title in pinyin: fei1 xiang4 guo4 he2 (1984)
9. Bloody Mission (1983)
10. Young Master (1980)
11. Crazy Couple (1979)
12. Challenge of the Masters (1976)
13. Men from Monastery (1974)
14. Na Cha the Great (1974)
15. A Mad World of Fools (1974)

Action Director

1. A Warrior's Tragedy (1993)
2. Be Careful Sweetheart (1984)
3. Dragon Lord (1982)
4. Young Master (1980)

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