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Chinese Movie Database 

He Dasha

He Dasha


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Total 23 records


1. Couple at Odds (1939)
2. The Jade Palm-leaf Fan (1938)
3. Woman Spies (1938)
4. Second-take Marriage (1938)
5. Chamber of Powder and Rouge (1938)
6. Professor Amore (1937)
7. The Shadow (1937)
8. Woman (1937)
9. Sweetie (1937)
10. Lady, Be Mine (1937)
11. My Life (1937)
12. Seventy-two Professions (1937)
13. Queen of the Blue (1936)
14. Resist! (1936)
15. Fall of the Pear Flower (1936)
16. The Bumbling Detectives (1936)
17. Modern World (1936)
18. Earthly Paradise (1936)
19. The Miserly Old Man (1936)
20. Sibling Rivalry (1936)
21. Blood-stained Money (1936)
22. The Fool Goes to the City (1935)
23. Gunshot at Midnight (1932)

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