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Chinese Movie Database 

Kar Mak Capone

Mai Jia


Rating: Attractiveness
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Rating: Talent
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Total 54 records


1. Thirty Million Rush, The (1987)
2. It Takes Two (1982)
3. Chasing Girls (1981)
4. Crazy Crooks (1980)
5. By Hook Or By Crook (1980)
6. Iron Fists (1979)
7. His Name Is Nobody (1979)
8. Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog (1978)
9. Winner Takes All (1977)
10. Title in pinyin: tie3 quan2 hei1 feng1 quan2 (1977)
11. The Good, the Bad and the Loser (1976)


1. Winner Takes All (2000)
2. Skinny Tigger and Fatty Dragon (1990)
3. Aces Go Places V: The Terracotta Hit (1989)
4. Thirty Million Rush, The (1987)
5. The Luckiest Stars (1986)
6. Aces Go Places IV (1986)
7. Merry Christmas (1984)
8. Aces Go Places: Our Man from Bond Street (1984)
9. Aces Go Places II (1983)
10. Aces Go Places (1982)
11. Beware of Pickpocket (1981)
12. Laughing Times (1981)
13. All the Wrong Clues (1981)
14. By Hook Or By Crook (1980)
15. Odd Couple (1979)
16. Knockabout (1979)


1. Prison on Fire II (1991)
2. Undeclared War (1990)
3. City On Fire (1987)
4. Thirty Million Rush, The (1987)
5. Prison on Fire (1987)
6. Aces Go Places IV (1986)
7. Happy Ghost II (1985)
8. Kung Hei Fat Choy (1985)
9. Aces Go Places (1982)
10. Life After Life (1981)
11. No U-Turn (1981)
12. Laughing Times (1981)
13. All the Wrong Clues (1981)
14. Beware of Pickpocket (1981)
15. Chasing Girls (1981)
16. By Hook Or By Crook (1980)
17. Odd Couple (1979)
18. Crazy Partner (1979)


1. Thirty Million Rush, The (1987)
2. Aces Go Places IV (1986)
3. Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog (1978)
4. Winner Takes All (1977)
5. The Good, the Bad and the Loser (1976)


1. Undeclared War (1990)
2. Why Me? (1985)
3. My Little Sentimental Friend (1984)


1. All the Wrong Clues (1981)

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