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Chinese Movie Database 

Gloria YIP

Ye Yunyi


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Total 14 records


1. The Gods Must Be Funny in China (1994)
2. Legend of the Liquid Sword (1993)
3. Pink Bomb (1993)
4. Flying Dagger (1993)
5. Story of Ricky (1992)
6. The 1000 Years Cat (1992)
7. Misty (1992)
8. Saviour of the Soul (1991)
9. The Blue Jean Monster (1991)
10. Promising Ms. Bowie (1990)
11. Saga of the Phoenix (1990)
12. Demoness from Thousand Years (1990)
13. Miracles: The Canton Godfather (1989)
14. Peacock King, The (1989)

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