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Chinese Movie Database 

Zhou Wenjian

Zhou Wenjian


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Total 34 records


1. Stowaway (2001)
2. Fourteen Days Before Suicide (1999)
3. Temptation of an Angel (1999)
4. The Golden Nightmare (1999)
5. Ninth Happiness (1998)
6. Top Borrower (1997)
7. Young Generatoin (1997)
8. Web of Deception (1997)
9. Title not available (1997)
10. Enjoy Yourself Tonight (1997)
11. Banana Club (1996)
12. Bodyguard of Last Governor (1996)
13. Mr. Mumble (1996)
14. Twist (1995)
15. City Cop II (1995)
16. Case of the Cold Fish, The (1995)
17. Asian Connection (1995)
18. Doug's Choice (1994)
19. The Crucifixion (1994)
20. Modern Romance (1994)
21. Beginner's Luck (1994)
22. Third Full Moon, The (1994)
23. Thou Shalt Not Swear (1993)
24. He Ain't Heavy, He's My Father (1993)
25. Vampire Family (1993)
26. Changing Partners (1992)
27. Cash on Delivery (1992)
28. TV Series Angel's Call (1992)
29. Forced Nightmare (1992)
30. The Pretty Ghostress Story (1991)
31. Her Fatal Ways (1990)
32. The Nobles (1989)
33. The Eight Happiness (1988)
34. Police Story II (1988)......CID

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